Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Zacchaeus and the girl in the red at the gym

* dedicated to Zacchaeus
* dedicated to the girl in red at my gym (GOOD LORD SHE'S SEXY)....(GOOD GOD!)

(Luke 19:3) And he sought to see Jesus who he was....

-I Would Go Out on a Limb For You, A Tree Branch---------Tell Me to Come Down, Tell Me its OK (that Im ok)

On long tree limbs of reticence
inadequacy, unworthiness overwhelm me
many men converging upon your path
many women aspiring to follow
in your presence we all battle the jealousy and strife within
You are treasured
You are desired
You are desire

I have watched you from afar
reflected on you
we met eyes briefly once;
it was then I felt your magnetism
your eyes are portals to my Eden
an insatiable longing to recover the peace inside of me
lost forever (through extended singleness)
unbridled joy forever...
I wish we could do it again
I wish you would stare into me
next time, eternally
(see my soul dying without you)

Call out to me, baby
Distinguish me from the leaves and birds' nests of your
From grandiose temples and extravagant transfigurations on the mount
the masses assembled at your every step
on beck and call
Notice me, an outsider full of sin within
spend time with me, dine with me
talk to me, laugh with me, love me
love me
make all the bad things fade away
Let your arms enfolding me
Let your company be
a purifying fire


(Luke 19:5) And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and
said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to-day I
must abide at thy house.

"Zaccheus, says Christ, make haste and come down. And he made haste,
and came down, and received him joyfully." I have observed, in holy
scripture, how particularly it is remarked, that persons rejoiced
upon believing in Christ. Thus the converted Eunuch went on his way
rejoicing; thus the jailer rejoiced with his whole house; thus
Zaccheus received Christ joyfully. And well may those rejoice who
receive Jesus Christ; for with him they receive righteousness,
sanctification, and eternal redemption. Many have brought up an ill
report upon our good land, and would fain persuade people that
religion will make them melancholy mad. So far from it, that joy is
one ingredient of the kingdom of God in the heart of a believer; "The
kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
To rejoice in the Lord, is a gospel-duty. - (George Whitefield)

Oh how happy Zaccheus was to see the savior! When everyone else
thought he was such a terrible man the Lord Jesus did not forsake
him. He walked with him and the Bible stated he had supped, or had
dinner in his house. Praise God he sees the heart and can cure sin
sickness. He is still saving all that will call upon him.

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