Tuesday, February 26, 2008

All of A Sudden; The Paralytic's Cry

All Of A Sudden: The Paralytic's Cry
[Luke 5:18-26, Acts 9:32-34]

Time is priceless,
Every purpose under the sun,
Cries for its moment,
To be taken hold of by destiny,
And to shun the abyss of lost opportunities.
As a star falls to the ground,
No one dares to measure it’s worth,
But shining brightly in the moonlit sky,
The Heavens deem it subliminal,
Pilfering the very breath from our lungs.
Axons, neurons, and electrons,
Comprise our cellular structure,
They hold fast to the sweet dreams,
They hold fast to the secrets of our origination.
There once was a moment in time that life,
Was just a thought, just an idea, just an…
But now, do we open our eyes,
And surf the waves of our very being,
Riding the waves of time, begging creation to take residence,
As the wind beneath our wings.
But now, we ride clouds as they gently dip into oceans,
Submerging our every thought into the deep blue’s of life and death,
And love and betrayal,
And embraces so ardently given and stolen.
Verily, we awaken to instant recognition of all of our cognitive
And realize we can finally think for ourselves and to ourselves,
Before time runs out we all look up,
Lying on our backs we all look up,
and venally admit our shortcomings,
and sincerely admit our shortcomings,
All of a sudden we stand up and boldly proclaim:
"Hey, all of this is real!"

> —–>Dedicated to Jesus Christ, Lord of Heaven and Earth

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