Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dating Kissed ME goodbye

+ dedicated to Jesus Christ

[The Bible tells us that we Christians as the Church of Christ are
also His Bride. I imagine when Christ was crucified by us (that is
our sins) it was akin to a husband being rejected by the wife he
loves so dearly.
A looser association can be made between a young man
who is smitten by a girl he has gotten to know, only to later be
rejected by her. Yet all of these refusals to reciprocate love are
due to misunderstandings (or something obscure). If only we knew
Christ, then we would love Him; if only the wife understood the
husband's heart she would return to him; if only the girl I like
understood me, she would be smitten with love for me as well. Make no
mistake, rejection by a lover or a desired lover is bitter and
writhing indeed. It makes you feel lonely and left out, embarrassed
and ashamed of yourself.
For Jesus the experience of our rejection may even have been worse
than the physical pain of crucifixion...]

Crucifixion is Like Being Rejected by the Pretty Christian Girl I Like;
(Nails of Defeat)
The nails through my hands, feet
Vindictive, Unrelenting
Support my flaccid frame

Im dying
In this lovers world
Alone and cherished by none
The wooden beams of
Your rejection suspend me 12 feet
For all the world to see
My nakedness, misery

My lungs inhale
Air of despondency
Before they collapse
And my acceptance of the void
You have left

If loving you is my transgression
I dangle guilty
Surrounded by shame

How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go
to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the
storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the
desired haven. - George Macdonald

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