Friday, February 29, 2008

Jennifer you are like a dove that wont come back, arent u?

* dedicated to Sarah inspiration besides Rebecca St. James, of course

(And I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide....)

[Genesis 8:10-12] He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.

You are a dove to me
the rains were less devastating because of you
the winds less austere
you were like sunlight by day and a candle
(never flickering)
watching my face at night careful not to drip wax on the floor
(even as the wind tossed the boat)
your beauty gave the lions serenity
your grace the camels security
our reminder that hope was present and not dubious
like the multitudes drowning beneath
to watch you was my rest
and knowing you a reminder of an insouciant childhood
bright smiles

Jennifer, before you came into my life
On dry land I was mocked
my country was full of travesties
Murder was sport, robbery was a vocation
poverty and prostitution became brother and sister
apathy and wickedness their mother and father
My heart was a barren plain,
and rain, water from the sky was just a dream
falling in love was as far away as time from space
in heaven
in the grave
in the womb
I saw a man rape his own cousin, he looked at me
with eyes forsaken
a soul departed

7 months ago when I asked you to lunch
a change occured...
storm clouds formed for the wicked
(floods came and washed them away)
and for the first time I believed in instrinsic goodness
never wanting to go back to my old life
but now that the skies have cleared
but now that the flood waters have receded
I realize you are not coming back to me
I told you I loved you, that I cared...
in return you left me nothing
except a freshly plucked olive leaf
(full of memories)

(Memories that I will never let go, baby. I listen to Sarah McLachlan whenever I think about us...what could've been, what still might be? You hear me Jesus? This girl might come back to me right? )

Sarah McLachlan – I Will Not Forget You [Solace, 1991]

I remember the nights I watched as you lay sleeping
Your body gripped by some far away dream
Well I was so scared and so in love then
And so lost in all of you that I had seen
But no one ever talked in the darkness
No voice ever added fuel to the fire
No light ever shone in the doorway
Deep in the hollow of earthly desires
But if in some dream there was brightness
If in some memory some sort of sign
And flesh be revived in the shadows
Blessed our bodies would lay so entwined

And I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you

I remember when you left in the morning at daybreak
So silent you stole from my bed
To go back to the one who possesses your soul
And I back to the life that I dread.
So I ran like the wind to the water
Please don't leave me again I cried
And I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide….

And I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you

And I will oh I will not forget you

I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you

I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you

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