Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Lazarus Experience

+ dedicated to Jesus Christ
dedicated to Lazarus

I imagine Lazarus' words to Jesus and his friends when he is awakened
out of his temporary death-sleep...

Lazarus; Life to Death (Luke 16; John 11)

There are some things you
Never learn in life;
Like how to take time and
Appreciate what is destined
To be taken away at some point
And how to love what will not come back
To You.
Yet in death, you learn how to dwell on these
And commiserate with those progenitors who long
To touch companions or dreams from the other side
Of consciousness

Death has taught me these things:
How distinct life is from nothingness

That living is fertility...

Because when you die,
There is nothing left.

I truly believe this life is more than an incubator for Heaven. If
this life in which we live is nothing more than a bridge to the
eternal world awaiting us, then why would Jesus choose to resurrect
Lazarus back into this world? I write this as a reminder that Jesus
wants us all to get all we can out of this life, (whether it be
treasures we store up in heaven, repairing broken relationships, etc)
before we die and its too late to reclaim any of our regrets.

Please, think on these things. Amen.

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