Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stinking Pseudo Lovers, All of You!

You cant hold me like HE can
You cant love me like HE can

Even the very hairs on my head are numbered (Matthew 10:29-31)
I was chosen before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4)
to be HIS love
HIS thoughts for me are more numerous than the sand on the seashores
(Psalm 139:17)
When my heart is broken, You are near (Psalm 34:18)

HE brought me to the banqueting house,
And HIS banner over me was love.
Sustain me with cakes of raisins,
Refresh me with apples,
For I am lovesick.
HIS left hand is under my head,
And HIS right hand embraces me (Song of Solomon 2:4-6)

My God is an awesome God, HIS love endures (for me) forever

you pale in comparison, you melt like wax before the incandescent
flame of His mighty Love (for me)

you are nothing
you are nothing
you are nothing

you are mere man, stymied by your lack of power
subdued by your incompetence
you know nothing of love
nothing about the inner chambers of my heart and soul
my pleasure is a strange task to you
a grueling obligation of duty
you give me your body, your blood, your all

But not HIM: He gives HIMSELF to me freely
Like LIVING WATER, HE slakes my thirst for love
In a dry and barren land

He is my God, and you

you pathetic trash......are no more than an
a bumbling, klutz uneducated in the arts of love
Inept pedagogue, that is what you are
But Jesus....HE is the quintessential ROMANTIC
The consummate lover, the Knight we have all been awaiting
smooth, gentle mastership
He is the BEST.....
a pseudo lover

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