Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am Samson; Conflicted

* dedicated to Brand New's song "Millstone"
* dedicated to my desire to serve the Lord Jesus.... sort of
* dedicated to Lisa....sort of and Jennifer.....sort of and all the hot
Towson girls....sort of


Then the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him; and the ropes
that were on his arms became like flax that is burned with fire, and
his bonds broke loose from his hands He found a fresh jawbone of a
donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men
with it. Judges 15:14b-15

arent we all like samson?----------Judges 15:20/Judges
16:1---------I am Samson; Conflicted

I go to Timnah, then to Gaza...
I want a wife then a hooker
not a synthesis of the two
Today I want loyalty and long dresses,
children born to smooth skin
undefiled. Prudence and temperance
But tonight (as she sleeps) I yearn for
miniskirts and high heels, make up
mascara and tattoos
vertiginous melodies played loudly
sweet wine in abundance grapes plucked
from the vine flung into the winepress
I want both brief kisses from innocent lips
and protracted trysts (deep into the evening)
red lipstick smeared on my face
her hands with scissors in my hair

I want both Jews and Philistines
for my parents...
peace and wisdom in judgement but
for myself....
the excitement of madness and impetuosity
fired foxtails, the foul stench of a
preying lion's carcass
to pose riddles, the jawbone of an ass
to get the last laugh
the burned grass stained with blood
between my thousand rotting enemies
is like the honey of my deepest secrets
tasted for 15 years

My weakness is my discontent
my strength is my passion
My strength is my passion
My weakness is my discontent

(We all want Delilah in the end)

[Brand New - Millstone (lyrics)]

I used to be such a burning example,
I used to be so original.
I used to care, I was being cared for.
Made sure I showed it to those that I love.

I used to sleep without a single stir,
'Cause I was about my father's work.

Well take me out tonight,
This ship of fools I'm on will sink.
I'm my own stone around my neck,
{If you'd} be my breath, there's nothing I wouldn't give.

I used to pray like God was listening.
I used to make my parents proud.
I was the glue that kept my friends together,
Now they don't talk and we don't go out.

I used to know the name of every person I'd kissed.
Now I've made this bed and I can't fall asleep in it.

Well take me out tonight,
This ship of fools I'm on will sink.
I'm my own stone around my neck,
{If you'd} be my breath, there's nothing I wouldn't give.

Throw me that lifeline,
This ship of fools I'm on will sink.
I'm my own stone around my neck
{If you'd} be my breath, there's nothing I wouldn't give.

"They never hit their brakes..."
"There was no time to see..."
"He just ran out in the street..."
"Does anybody know his name?"
"I think I recognize him..."
"He sure as hell paid for that mistake..."


So take me out tonight.
This ship of fools I'm on will sink.
I'm my own stone around my neck.
{If you'd} be my breath, there's nothing I wouldn't give.

Well save my life tonight.
This ship of fools I'm on will sink
I'm my own stone around my neck
{If you'd} be my breath, there's nothing I wouldn't give.

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