Tuesday, February 26, 2008

She looked at me

I saw her today (7/27/2007)
She looked into my eyes and...(Genesis 1 happened)

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; Thine eyes are as doves behind thy veil...(Song of Songs 4:1)

I was in the cafeteria today getting cereal when
we met eyes
the sun split into a thousand stars
the earth stopped rotating on its axis
my two eyes forsook me
blindness ensued
save speckled faint glimmers of lambent light
my earth began drifting into the abyss of the universe
barely able to see

All my former knowledge became
formless, void, and
darkness upon the face of the deep
I thought I knew what it meant to perceive beauty
to know warmth in my heart’s secret chambers
I know now that I knew nothing
now without you everything to me
is naught
is cipher
I beg you to make me a new creation
invalidating the old order

With just one glance
(I could have stared at your face for hours)
my spirit quickened
pulse racing sweat forming in my palms
you taught me eternity
latent within
I watched you walk away that taught me death
please don’t let me die
please, just don’t
you are like my Yahweh, like my Elohim
like doves behind a veil
eyes that destroy
eyes that create meaning

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