Friday, February 29, 2008

I want to have sex with Yahweh

When the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she obtained favor in his sight...(Esther 5.2)

....and Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her (Esther 2.15)

I wish, God, it only took 12 months
to amaze You
to lure You
To go into your secret chamber in the evening
and return excitedly in the morning
before my other peers
Envious, tears streaming defacing their make up
Fixing their hair once more
Futilely rubbing ointment on their legs
But my legs would be the prettiest
Treated with 6 months of oil and myrrh
My face with 6 months of spices and cosmetics

And I would become Your Queen, Jesus
and to me would You extend Your royal scepter
I would have access to Your throne
to kiss You, and lay against Your body
Arm in arm, hand in hand, cheek to cheek
I want to gaze at Your Face
With a crown on, and robes of splendor
Of course we would make love, God
Banqueting on intricate cuisines (at my request)
Aftewards, bestow me half Your Kingdom

Our love is like vengeance
my enemies would be like Haman
hanged fifty cubits high let their 10 sons
be killed by Your edict, then
despised and loathed like their father
Let my love be mighty to You
emancipating my people from many ills
God, hear me out Man
Love me like a prized possession...memorialize me
On the feast of Purim
Remember us

(Am I beautiful to You, God? I sexy to You, God?)

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