Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Megan is my Jesus!

"The very concept of sin comes from the bible. Christianity offers to solve a problem of its own making! Would you be thankful to a person who cut you with a knife in order to sell you a bandage?"
[Dan Barker, "Losing Faith in Faith"]

"In simple terms, the penal substiutionary view states that Christ suffered the penalty for sin in man's place by dying on the cross. His death satisfies the holy
wrath of God against sin and allows God to justly forgive sinners.This view seems at its root to be unjust. How can it be considered justice for an innocent party to suffer the penalty due a guilty party? This seems to run contrary to the basic idea of justice; yet we are told that it is precisely because of God's unswervable justice that the death of Christ was necessary." Atheist quote

He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but
also for the sins of the whole world. [1 John 2:2]

We were buried therefore with him through baptism unto death: that
like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life. [Rom. 6:4]

---------Megan is proof of the power of atonement/resurrection...Call Me Lazarus-----------------------

The weight of death is an iron fetter
with no key
depression is a casket with a cadaver embalmed
eyelids shut
an atmosphere with no oxygen
attire fit for adventure
but a spirit resigned to idle obscurity
an infinite regression from life

I walk the halls of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with
an infinite regression from life

no blood in my cheeks
a paleness in my face favoring
fingers clasped over my heart
with holy water sprinkled on
my wooden prison painted black
shovels of amber dirt
heaved on me
hymns sung above me
hellions howling beneath

I know what it feels like to a zombie
wandering aimlessly
willing to usurp life from anyone willing
to give
to covet life and ebullience

But when Megan smiled at me today
and said simply said "hi"

I felt the shell of morbidity
crack around me
falling to pieces I could feel
from within I could feel hope spring
happiness surge
and a rebirthing cycle initiated

Brightly shining was a white light
enchanting me
entreating me to walk forward

And I opened the casket door
to partake in the life I once knew
and for the millions of lost
loved ones I
promised to honor them well
Every time I see Megan's face
I picture the unwed mothers and aborted babies
waving goodbye

I felt all my past sins wash away by the water of distant memory


Briefly, if one girl can change my whole day and make my life worth living,
cannot one man by an even greater act change all lives and make all lives
worth living? If Megan can raise my heart from the dead, can a stronger
Megan (so to speak) raise not only a heart but a life from the dead?
Propitiation is a fundamental principle, endemic to mankind. When the one
you admire smiles at you....that is the principle of atonement alive and well.


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