Thursday, March 1, 2012


* St. John, pray for me

[Revelation 1:9
I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ]

---------/Patmos: The Thoughts Of John

Loneliness and isolation are not penalties doled out by the State to woeful violators of some trenchant stringent edict of Caesar's nor floggings
by brawny Roman guards gashes deep by whips and feet hurled on a boat
thrown on the sand
makeshift tools hunger pangs or perpetual paranoia the plight of the preyed
perusing the landscape for predators prowling, panic stricken; Cold chills
at night chattering teeth owls glaring with yellow eyes that pierce dark
howling echoes voices mistook tears streaming calling out for mom,
calming assurances my fate is an auspicious one, soon homeward bound
the response only fluttering wings.
These are denouncements for the recalcitrant brave enough to cleave
to the good each morning loins girded with jeering bathed in men's spittle
once amiable
for the stalwart who cling to hope despite ever present flights of fancy
that assess such as a hallucinogen enduring enough
hardship and sufferance.
Because Truth has stripped our citizenship from this land forbidding
duality of residence a defacto boarding pass to a Utopia
yet to be established but promised in earnest claimed already
sealed in blood jarring the foundation of our souls unraveling
the very fabric of our sanity the ruination of the tapestry of every life expectation now corroded. But we can not embrace another lie henceforth
to virtue now eternally bound adversaries of worldly pleasure
and law of indulgence rather to fall in ignominy than stand culpable.
Yet every doubt of dying disillusioned, morbidly alone every deprivation
of some bare necessity every nostalgia for clean clothing
the kiss from a woman, music, levity, dreams for children
forever unfulfilled every harrowing wind gust blowing
through fond memory supplanting them with horrors pale when spoken
(in monologue) in company of all the miracles I have already seen...truly
this risk is and was worth taking

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