Friday, March 30, 2012

The Paradox

[The setting: Ancient Jerusalem during Roman Rule;The entrance to the sepulcher where Jesus has been buried hours before. Narrow dirt roads wind up, down and between rocky and grassy hillsides leading to the large stone quarry where His (originally intended for Joseph of Arimathea) and many other similarly styled sepulchers/tombs were built. Lush vines and other foliage drape the rock walls bordering the hewn stone entrances. A fecund assemblage of olive trees align and sometimes interrupt the pathways up and down the mountain. An angel of the Lord is sitting on top a large stone adjacent to the sepulcher's entrance since removed talking with Tony. Tony has just been revived from a seizure of the heart at seeing the angel and is relieved to have just escaped death's long course, craggy fingers once again]

[Tony]: Yo son! Yo son! What the deal, Holyfielllldddddddd!!?? Thanks for saving a kid's life, son! YO, MY MAN!!! WHAT IT LOOK LIKE???

[Angel of the Lord]: (no response, stoic).................

[Tony]: Yo son!!? You got a bong son?

[Angel of the Lord]: (no response, stoic).................

[Tony, becoming aggrieved and fearful at his unbecoming and obviously unwelcome speech]: ....naaaah, see, why I was asking was...I mean...Good Sir, I was only referencing said natural herbal stimulant, used only for medical reasons, out of concern for my mental state after the shock trauma of falling to the ground! You see, you with grandiose liberality seem in no wise afflicted at the sight of my sufferance, in fact you act rather stolid and with brazen impunity in such matters! (Tony wipes the beads of sweat trickling from his forehead)

[Angel of the Lord]: (no response, stoic).................

[Tony, unsettled, disconcerted at what seems to be discourteous behavior]: Okay, so look. Im really interested in that waitress at Champps know what Im saying? Im in the market for a wife and I figure since you got that luminescent all powerful effulgent glowing thingy going on with your aura or whatever, you could shock and awe (chuckling to himself) nah mean?? snag me a bab..

[Angel of the Lord, interrupting]: No
(Tony falls back to the ground, the angel then motions for him to stand and his body immediately stands erect)

[Tony, bemused]: maaaaan, you could have at least given a brotha a warning shot, nah'm saying? (raising his voice in exasperation) I MEAN DAAAAAG BRUH. Do you have money for a chiropractor? I need a good back son. I need to make that Tiger Woods money...Im trying to play in the NFL you know what I'm...

[Angel of the Lord]: Jesus has arisen, things are not as they seem.

[Tony pierced with conviction]: Riiiiggghhhhttt. Thats why I was here....yeah man. (feigning concern) YEAH MAN, YEAH MAN, WHERE JESUS AT?
I NEED ME SOME JESUS MAN, I NEED ME SOME OF THAT JESUS CHRIST (but not the bootleg fireworks Youtube video Jesus, though)

[Angel of the Lord, coming as close as an angelic being gets to rolling his eyes]: Let me explain

-------------/He Is Not Here (The Empty Tomb Theory); The Angel of The Lord's Words to Mary and Mary Seeking Jesus' Body

In regards to treachery beware not of enemies but friends in capricious
streets and alleys when darkness falls not blaring blowhards but quiet machinators cloaked in shadows pacing behind you in love not of women who scowl but those who smile as regards to a brother not one annoying but one evasive. Eschew vain promises for the destitute, the flatterers always seek recompense for their ills at the hands of the fortunate doling out injustice they feel unfairly they were afforded;
your unfulfilled oath a subterfuge.
Habitual secrets become disclosed public proclamations,always
Resentment is a cousin to hatred, a harbinger of interior decay
unbeknownst to its object, your foe prevails whilst you sulk.
When you cry out
your voice will echo for most men have not the constitution to aid
caring only of themselves, rather fear God - poverty in disposition
sickness in soul are more effectual partners in trouble than wealth
or haughty friends
And no man can brace himself for the day of his downfall
Death to carnal passion is a spiritually passionate life and as such
is the only one truly lived
that man the only one truly alive walking amongst and on bones
snapping constantly before him
nails, whips, twisted thorns and caustic jeering the fitting praise
of heaven to be sought not fled not the penalty apportioned by demons
malefic maddening in their laughter if the lie you suffer for is contrarily
true and you principally stand for righteousness in the captive audience
of the wicked, If you say that the blind are precisely the ones with sight
the maimed, leprous precisely the ones beautiful, healthy extremities
the possessed are the sane the reigning religious establishment
a portal to hell
Most assuredly if you accept murder of your flesh to give birth to new life
then you never really died at all
crucifixion is your life everlasting
and in your sepulcher there will never be a body

(He isnt here)

Matthew 28:1-8
In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.

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