Tuesday, March 20, 2012


*Dedicated to Underoath, When the Sun Sleeps (A classic!!!)
* Dedicated to Dashboard Confessional, A Plain Morning
A Plain Morning By Dashboard Confessional, Yall!!!! A Lovely Diddy!!!!

*Dedicated to the waitress at Champps who looks like Anne Hathaway

You didnt think I would give up so easily did you, Anne Hathaway junior? I saw you at Champps the other day and you were glorious. I was awestruck, I was dumbfounded unable to speak, only hyperventilate in the presence of your beauty. I wish I knew your name....I wish I could give you flowers. When do you work at Champps again? When can I see you again? Oh....girl.....please...no more questions like this...please? No more questions in the wind. Please ANYONE IF YOU FIND MY LOVE....TELL HER I AM LOVELORN AND REFUSE TO CONVALESCE UNTIL SHE RETURNS...(AND KISSES ME) Im so miserable without her!



I am no perspicacious erudite King (believe me) resting his chin
on his palm dysphoric peering out the lattice of the window nearest
his throne of romance for sun praying in earnest,
but its something like that

Over the land of love I wish to establish authority but impotence
greets me washing my face in the basin of water my servant
of anxiousness over beautiful women fetches for me in front of the mirror
of your absence...and the ground of my exuberance is becoming brittle

When you were my waitress it was late spring kneeling before early
summer a jovial fete in my royal court pleasant and fecund the streams
of my passion teeming with fish of joy the farms sprouting with new growth
sundry crops of my devotion in getting to know you and falling in love
hope was grain plentiful and every desire and demand and fastidious
subject subservient to my dreams for the perfect wife were sated

Excitement was a burly garrison graciously guarding the immaculate
castle of my affection for you, the walls impeccable, stainless, unsullied
in your company the state of the union of my happiness was fortified

But when you left it got cold and the funds in the treasury of my optimism
frittered away the fall winds of loneliness blew over all towns
of my yearning for us to be together... and dark clouds
the army of my confidence deserted me and the farmers
of my perseverance absconded
villagers of cynicism, formerly mirth bellow

The walls, the gate of my enchantment crumble, stone rolling in front of
fallen stone. Winter of desolation approaches,
snow of shameful self loathing sulks towards me.
The priests of trust and belief in amity
sacrifice no more sacrificing to the idols of lust and anger.
The farm animals of my sanity bray and hiss at their owners.
Because you werent at Champps during my last visit, This is my time to weep to mourn to die to cry

And for the enemies of my heart, a time for war, a time to rend my destiny
to cast away my resolve

But for my sake....for you....it is the time to come back to Champps
the time to heal my soul, to plant a kiss on my lips in fresh soil
to sew up my charity and speak lovingly into my ear.
To gather the stones together of my weakened spirit and
rescue this King Solomon of moping from his despair
(wishing for spring and summer harvests of your pretty face again)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

-----When the Sun Sleeps, Lyrics

I thought you'd come back at least I prayed (so I prayed)
The romance has been dead (the romance is dead, the romance is dead)
For years (you come back)
But I've been too afraid to dig the grave (so I prayed)
Relief support never came

Memories carry me through the day
Of when we were kids
And angels came to watch us play

Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes

A movie that plays in my mind
Remembering you helps me survive
Every day a re-run of the next
I promised to stay by your side
That all would change, I can't complain
Another victim of the game

Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes

Maybe love will find us again
For there is always tomorrow
Sincerely till the end
Close my eyes just for tonight
The sun still sleeps and when she wakes,
Close my eyes just for tonight
The sun still sleeps and when she wakes

Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes

You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory, memory, memory, memory.

--------------A Plain Morning lyrics

It's yet to be determined,
but the air is thick,
and my hope is feeling worn.
I'm missing home,
and I'm glad you're not a part of this,
there's parts of me that will be missed.
And the phone is always dead to me,
so I can't tell you the temperature is dropping
and it feels like.

It's colder than it ought to be in March
and I still got a day or two ahead of me
till I'll be heading home,
into your arms again.
And the people here are asking after you.
It doesn't make it easier.
It doesn't make it easier to be away.(to be away)

I'd like to hire a plane.(a plane)
I'd see you in the morning, (morning)
when the day is fresh.
I'm coming home again. (I'm coming home again)
Coming home again. (again)
Coming home again. (again)
When the day is fresh,
I'm coming home again.(I'm coming home again)

But it's warmer where you're waiting.
It feels more like July.
There's pillows in their cases,
and one of those is mine.
And you wrote the words "I love you",
and sprayed it with perfume.
It's better than the fire is
to heat this lonely room.
It's warmer where you're waiting
It feels more like July.
It feels more like July.

It's yet to be determined,
but the air is thick,
and my hope is feeling worn.
I'm missing home,
and I'm glad you're not a part of this,
there's parts of me that will be missed.
And the phone is always dead to me,
so I can't tell you the temperature is dropping
and it feels like.

It's colder than it ought to be in March
and I still got a day or two ahead of me
till I'll be heading home,
into your arms again.
And the people here are asking after you.
It doesn't make it easier. (easier)
It doesn't make it easier to be away.(to be away)

I'd like to hire a plane.(a plane)
I'd see you in the morning, (morning)
when the day is fresh.
I'm coming home again. (I'm coming home again)
Coming home again. (again)
Coming home again. (again)
When the day is fresh,
I'm coming home again.(I'm coming home again)

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