Wednesday, February 29, 2012


---------/Satanic Influence....SATAN DROPS BY

The setting [Tony's room in Gaithersburg, MD a rectangular 250 square foot abode furnished with a queen size mattress pressed against the west wall, without a bed frame, two small bookshelves (one bedecked with a TV) against the north wall (an arms reach from the bed) just beneath the lone worn window and there is a small refrigerator lying against the east wall three feet removed from the closet. The walls are bare, but after a brief glance one can make the indubitable assessment that the room is in total discombobulation. Piles of shoes clutter the floor between the fridge and the closet, assorted books and magazines, and a playstation 2 deface the bed thrown between crumpled up mismatched comforters and 4 pillows with t-shirts as pillowcases. The wood panel floor is largely occupied by the furniture veiled from view, but the portions that are visible are speckled with papers and loosely organized containers of spare change and toiletries. Tony is busy playing Grand Theft Auto San Adreas, his back leaned against the wall sitting on his bed]

Satan [sneaking beside Tony, gently opening the door]: TURN OFF GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!

Tony [startled]: EEK! (whipping his head around he recognizes Satan and calms down partly) but...but..b b but I thought you liked this game??? (cowering)

Satan [smirking then laughing]: ha ha! Nah bro Im just f**&*ing with you. Go head and get your game on son* Blast that muthaf***/er! Kill em! Kill em! Destroyyyyyyyy CJ FOOL!

Tony [awkardly]: ehh....Thanks bro

Satan: So have you been masturbating and drinking copious amounts of beer and watching pornography like I (speaking in a sarcastic tone) passionately, so kindly, pleaded with you to do then due to your obstinate disposition, commanded you to do the last time we convened??!!! (Satan casts a cutting glance at Tony, captiously awaiting any hint of insubordination)

Tony [sheepishly]:, like I dont want to do those things anymore. Jesus says that to look at a woman with lust is..


[Satan smacks Tony with the back of his left hand, drawing blood. Tony slumps over laying his head on his pillow grimacing in pain]

Tony [despondent and dejected]: ...nothing...I aint say nothing man (sits up wiping blood from his nose)

Satan [sardonically]: ha! THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! what is there to eat around here, swine??

Tony [his head down]: ....I dont.. I dont really have much except moldy bread and spoiled milk

[Satan dashes to the fridge stomping over the bed and forcefully throws said items on Tony's bloody face]

Satan: UNACCEPTABLE! WHEN SATAN COMES TO YOUR HOUSE HE BETTER GET A GOOD MEAL!!! ....remember that next time (or else I'll pimp smack the nigger out of you again, boy)

Tony: yes..yes sir

Satan: Now why did you summon me here? You know I must always be mission driven, out and about prowling for more victims; in fact I was en route to an abortion clinic before being diverted here, so all the most reason your beckoning better prove to be a pressing need! And choose your words carefully, you know what I will do with an unsatisfactory response! (snarling)

Tony [gulping affectedly]:....well....well... Judas...J-Judas...

[Satan's eyes light up with a twinkle of joyful terror at the sound of the name]

Satan [grinning]: yeeeesssss! what about him?!

Tony: I...I...was just wondering what his interior monologue was just before he betrayed Jes....I mean...him

Satan: good catch, by the way...boooy I wouldve smacked the black off you...but that all?

Tony [closing his eyes and wincing , bracing for a potential blow]:.....

Satan (agitated): I SAID.....IS.....THAT.....ALL????

Tony [trembling]:....(softly) yes?

Satan [chuckling] problem bud!!! I got you Tony! ol buddy ol pal ol buddy ol pal! (fully smiling)

[Satan begins to leave the room, turning his back on Tony]

Tony [relieved].....(sighing)...thanks

Satan[quizzically]: (pausing to turn his head) Thanks...... what? (moving his hands in a circular fashion before his mouth gesturing that Tony speak up) WHAT DO YOU CALL ME? WHAT DO ALLLL MY SUBJECTS CALL ME?????

Tony: Thanks Mast--

(To be continued)

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