Monday, March 5, 2012

Purging the Pretty, Waves of Regret

Okay...Im about gassed out from bemoaning my fate of prolonged singleness! WHEW! I know Im not alone in this misfortune...all you single ladies all you single ladies...and men..all you single men......gird your loins and be strong! We shall overcome! But oh yeah, I just hate when Christian girls just totally spurn guys they dont even know because they think he isnt their type! I mean, at least be friendly and treat the guy like a person...I mean, humor me, if you dont like me can you at least converse with me and and not ignore and or avoid me? If anything you could gracefully inform me "look Tony, you are like, totally repulsive, and I dont think it would work between us...not even in a casual distant friendship..." I could at least live with that...but this aloofness is beyond the pale. SHEESH! YOU MAKE ME REGRET THAT YOU CAME FROM MY RIB (oh yeah I went there!)

[* oh yeah, and so I dont have to write a massive apology later...Im not referring to ALL Christian women...only those who are snarky and rude to fellow Christian men who are interested in them and are initially just trying to build a rapport with them by striking up a conversation! Realize this is a risk area for them and many men make themselves extremely vulnerable at this point. But yeah, alot of Christian sisters are great, okay!]

-----------/Purging the Pretty (Shallow)

Today's Christian Woman
your dating soul is an antediluvian callous world wicked in its disregard for virtuous men graceful in God's eyes shunning them exalting instead
those diametrically opposed to Noah sneering at his plan for an Ark
(a married life, meticulously planned with divine dimensions and mandate)
assessing you as a means to an end towards you the thoughts of their hearts...only evil continually [orgies, human sacrifice, tattoos, piercings]
(but you date them).
You are men with tools savages worshipping false gods idols Your land
is parched (heart compassionless) yet you are too myopic to notice the firmament splitting, a flood of disappointment in your pagan relationships draws nigh. And the man you snub and rebuff floats away from your
heart's drowning misery, gasping under vexed waves clinging to men who
cant swim (love you)'cause their wicked wills have compromised kindness
obstinately closing the door behind him glancing the last time.Forty days
of reflection, forty days of remorse for both you and Noah him seeking
higher ground, a more noble way to try and approach women newer
better women but inside the boat his head sinks between his knees wishing
the situation could have been righted before the calamity of walking away
from each other tears shed from the sky of his intention
to dote on you unrelentingly. And the sky is black interminably the rocking
ship of melancholy awareness of senseless rejection of the woman he
cherishes is nauseating in his loathing his days lose significance.
the animals aboard, his conscience, brays cacophonously
"why did she reject you man? Why did she avoid you bro?
hey Noah, why did she just get up an walk away when you approached?"
perplexed beyond consolation he rolls over thinking hands over ears
a repentant theme: why was woman ever made on the earth
without a fleeting thought of a bow in the sky of reconciliation

Genesis 6:5-9
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

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