Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Taylor Swift's Love In My Lonely Diaspora #TaylorDateTony

* Jesus pray for me
* Ezekiel pray for me
* Saints pray for me
* Dedicated to #TaylorDateTony

+--------Taylor Swift's Love In My Lonely Diaspora

Taylor, I know what its like to
transgress romantic laws of girls,
my previous attempts to date them
like sacrilege in the all-seeing eyes of an
angry God. Female rejection is savage
and Babylonian, like siege warfare
waged in 586 BC, guerrilla tactics, a battering
ram of Nebuchadnezzar full of rage. The fake
smiles are cruel beams of wood fortified by
iron tips waylaying the Temple walls of
my self worth, tears in my eyes falling like
bloody stone upon stone upon
innocent bone. Oh babes, my hope now is
the Holy of Holies razed! Dust from sand flits
in my enslaved eyes amongst other lonely
and single heathen captives. Wont you
show me mercy? Your beautiful face in a
Vision rivets my soul like divine compassion
in a diaspora of emotions, your soft
lips pressed against mine would be the
impartation a brand new spirit within me. If
you took me to Starbucks, I swear my heart
of stone would turn to flesh again. Only then
could I go back home to Jerusalem happy.    

----Ezekiel 36:20-29
And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of the Lord, and are gone forth out of his land. But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went. Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

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