Tuesday, May 3, 2016

RG3's DC Crucifixion

* Jesus pray for me
* Matthew pray for me
* Saints pray for me

+--------RG3's DC Crucifixion
Robert, it pained me to watch you fettered and led
away (with your gym bag) from Fed Ex Field,
pushed and pulled by a cavalcade of pompous
Redskins officials clad in condescension as leather
armor with rusted breastplates, fingers curled about
pointed spears of unfounded and biased slander.
The DC sports media and fickle fans this roaring,
salivating mob of Romans, Greeks and Jews
jeering, spitting along the way to see the Prefect.
And Jay Gruden was Pontius Pilate rolling his eyes
before a copper bowl of water presenting you
before other teams, your bonds like dirt washed
from his hands. His wife futilely attempted to warn
him in a dream against this...to abstain from
disastrous action: Dan Snyder too incapacitated
to void the decision. Gruden's bold proclamation to
the NFL: BEHOLD THE MAN RG3!  Assuming your
career would end by crucifixion. But true believers,
we know you will rise again in Pro Bowl glory.

---Matthew 27:24
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"

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