Monday, May 9, 2016


* Jesus pray for me
* Abraham, Moses pray for me
* Saints pray for me
* Dedicated to Amanda

+--------AMANDA; A Sodom Love Story

Amanda, whenever you would talk
to me in  the gym or…whenever I
was the object of your two
spellbinding blue eyes’ gaze and
hypnotic Jersey-accent, fire and
brimstone fell from the sky behind me
as from Heaven. As from an angry
Divinity wanting to retaliate against a
depraved humanity, recouping dignity
for the heinous perversion of his
created beings before Him gone wild -my
recurrent flashbacks of girls in the past who
rejected me…like a mob of lecherous
men beating and thrashing the door
of my self confidence demanding to
rape the angels of the sacred hope I had of
meeting a girl who actually loved me that
I have all my life tried to shield from
wounds. Thing is, you were never really
single but I still imagine us married
sometimes…you tightly clenching
my heart by the hand and racing for refuge
from the emotional cataclysm. We would
just smile and blush in a tiny remote town,
everything and everyone in our lives just
smoke and ash of a past life before we met.

----Genesis 19:16
When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them

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