Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remember (Always): Pieta

* Mother Mary, in your Solemnity....pray for me

* dedicated to Alesana - Heavy Hangs The Albatross
Heavy Hangs the Albatross Song - Click Here to Listen!!!!

Luke 23:46 - Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" And having said this he breathed his last.

--------------/Please Remember: Mary's Thoughts On Holding Her Dead Son in Her Arms (Jesus' Last Words)

A candle flickering in the night
on the dining table the moon through the window streams.....
the soft trill of the owls, livestock as they
settle down then
silence serenades with her sacred soliloquy of sublimity
speaking sundry thoughts into each heart and imagination
I feel a dolorous docile draft drift in
I see you sleeping, illumined intermittently with pitch blackness
as the wind attenuates the strength of the flame
your cute hirsute beard, the ho hum of your breathing
it is now that I hearken back to these moments
from my memory attempting to drown out the deplorable dour
sounds of the whips, the heckling
your groans
your skin flayed, gushing blood...
the harrowing hammer your hands nails driven in
before that, the last conversation we had at supper
the macabre price of meats in the market
maddening the
memorable majestic mares brought in for passover
the menial matters and topics that meant so much the charlatan
conduct of he Caesars present and past
I remember your sweeping smile, that could make any mother swoon
proud - this is my Son
the last words you spoke, you told me you loved me. always.
You said that dark times would precede triumphal ones and that
even the steadfast sanguine students of yours would sullenly
saunter off scared some flee in terror
that the authorities would beat you
for me to stand strong and to shun the slander that would ensue
your demise (from dubious detractors)
to never doubt that I was appreciated and that when I saw you
die to recall this conversation
(though now in doing so I am tormented with trying tears)
and tell your disciples, and to all those who would still willingly listen
For better or for worse, to remember you

(So please, remember my Son)

-------------Lyrics. Heavy Hangs the Albatross

I've made up my mind
and I will be leaving.
Leaving this cruel, dark world
for the soulless to share.
But first...

Women will shriek
and watch their husbands bleed.
Children will cry
and watch their mothers die.
Because tonight...
Tonight we all go to hell!

I have to let go
of what happened to my love.
I am taking out on everyone else
all the problems I've brought on myself.
When I made your heart melt.
My belle, we soon will meet again.

There's nothing left for me to lose except confusion.
I'm finished trying to tell myself this will go away.
There's no one left to talk me down.
My feet are slipping...

One day I hope my name
doesn't bring back memories.
Of the day that I left her.
Goodbye, so long.
My heart belongs to the one
I am chasing after.
For better, or even for worse, remember me forever...

Now the only question left is how
to take you all down with me.
The coroner will have his hands full tonight.
That is if he is not among the dead.

Dead will choke the streets
with such vulgarity that
grown men will weep.
And then you will find
the end is drawing night.

There's nothing left for me to lose except confusion.
I'm finished trying to tell myself this will go away.
There's no one left to talk me down.
My feet are slipping...

One day I hope my name
doesn't bring back memories.
Of the day that I left her.
Goodbye, so long.
My heart belongs to the one
I am chasing after.
For better, or even for worse, remember me ...

The dizziness stuns me,
would someone please distract me?
Can I really get through this?
Can I really betray myself?
For better or for worse, remember me forever

There's sweat on my hands
and a knife at my throat.
And as the blade bites my skin
Annabel appears...

One day I hope my name
doesn't bring back memories.
Of the day that I left her.
Goodbye, so long.
My heart belongs to the one
I am chasing after.
remember me forever...

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