Friday, December 9, 2011

Jesus is a Good Dude Part 1

Tony: Yo what up Jesus

[Tony gives Jesus some dap]

Jesus: Nothing much, my son

Tony (grinning): AWWWW SNAP! MY HOMIE JESUS USED SOME EBONICS, SON! He called me son!

Jesus: .....

Tony: So, yo J where we going tonight, Son? We going to Union Jacks in Bethesda, we going to Power Plant Live in Baltimore Son? So you can roll up in that joint and be like - 'YO! THOU SHALT BE TONY'S WIFE!' to the hottest babe in that joint, nah mean son? NAHMEAN?????!!!!

Jesus: Lets just relax and bask in the Glory of the Father

Tony: ..whuuuut? Okay! okay! Lets just kick it here, and smoke some blunts and drink some shots to the GOOOD LIIIIFFFFEEEE!

[Jesus glares at Tony]

Tony: ...ahem! I MEANT the spiritual blunts of Bible reading and the shots of silent prayer! Metaphors you see.....I AM AFTER ALL, THEJESUSMETAPHOR!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

---------------/Jesus is a Good Dude - The Good Life Pt1: Either/Or - Your Glory or Mine

Speaking in
generalities galleries of gentlemen, of the gentry
the genteel and the often grimacing grousing gruff grasp
at greatness
but though within your grasp, you
guarding others' glory before you do your own; a
good man

And you took a mule's trough rather than the world
sleep on the crucible bed of eternal judgement
in the face of which it could not stand - before God assuredly abjured
spurning the comfort of a pillowed palatial quarter reserved by Satanic
seduction to savor the sorrowful stench of dung (our sin)
flinching at flies festering around barn animals
nails in each of your palms and feet to preserve
our pampered positions of power and philosophy
while you withstood our purgation
punitively as we previously (and currently) pursued our pathetic purulent interests (pomposity) judging you as irrelevant picayune and puny
precociously pedaling the proudest achievements of "man" ignoring
you hanging, bleeding
while we shake hands with convenience, and dignity stained in your blood
a jagged crown of thorns thrust truculently into your scalp
so we could pontificate about our pending prominence
with the angels in heaven, we innately delightfully divine
or conversely boast of the benefits of blissful belligerent breaking
of your laws bemoaning "stupid faith, belief"
shame and mockery by the godless garrison gathered about you
punching your gut
kicking your face, you bearing our guilt spitting out your teeth
the abandonment of your otherwise affable assiduously loyal
disciples. alone dying
your sobbing Mother sulking at the spectacle of her naked bloody Son
shivering in terror
as she still sees today, the similar disavowals
as we dispute how dire our threat of death and decay really is
in fire while you groan from the top of the cross she
from its base
instead of splendor and soaring success of being equal with God
and claiming your deserved status
subjugation to senseless stingy savagery
so I could walk free
you sulk, I smile

------Philippians 2:4-11
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,
who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father

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