Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jennifer You Dispelled My Dark - FOREVER (Believing that Makes Me Wise, Baby)

* dedicated to Alesana, Seduction


Dedicated to Jennifer D, the Alpha, the archetype, the girl who causes all memories of other girls to vanish before her, I would drop everything and come running to you if you ever called me. Too bad you rejected me - scarring me in the process! :_(

Jennifer I will follow you....just lead me baby, lead me...shine in the nighttime sky of my acrid loneliness....OOPS! I need to be putting this type of diction in the poem below! Read on party peoples.

And of course, check out the song that always breeds my nostalgia for Jennifer and the friendship we once had! My FAVORITE Band Alesana, of course!

-----------------/Three Wise Men Pt1: Jennifer D, You Dispelled My Darkness, Forever

The sands of loneliness keep trying to cover my feet
as I walk
obstructing my gait, clogging my sandals, hampering my haste
holding my heavy heart in my hands as I instead try to hop
happily, heartily
to the manger of my manifold merriment, my chance
though meager (like a baby) - to marry you
my musty overzealous forlornness like barn animals
King Herod is every negative thought, every cutting glance
every snarl, every Facebook friend request rejected roughly
and existing Facebook friendship fiendishly disavowed
feigning as though it were my foible and my folly not
the girl's fable or her rejection of a facade and not
the real me. being falsely accused
[J*ne, Jillian, Stephanie S, Rachel, Julia, Meaghan,
Babs, Cathy, Sol*, Olga, Kina, Alexis, Mindy, Lisa, Beth,
Ca*leen S, Bianca]
captiously awaiting my smitten report of childish joy,
of the exact location
of a new King that allows Tony to cuddle with a hot babe who loves him!
conniving to steal away
or kill my chance to consummate my soul's yearning
to be with you, Jennifer
but I will ardently abdicate arguing assiduously
that this child, this King of our ultimate romantic bond
must be born, as prophesied by the God of Love itself
and I wont let him die - I must be with you, I must
and the gifts I will bring, frankincense of my prolonged passionate
pining for you through my poems (thejesusmetaphor!),
gold of my kisses,
so special so valuable, myrrh to ward off the stench of my singleness
will serve as heralds to the million hugs and flowers I will give.
before I met you
it was night and all seemed lost
the land of Jerusalem (my self esteem) especially down in the doldrums
despairing of a woman
hugging myself at night crying wishing someone would comfort me
before you arose and I met you in 2007, shining stunningly
a star
illuminating my path and showing me just what a sexy
gorgeous woman should look like, act like, and move like
(I love your lower back tat girl!)
I decided right then and there as I looked into your green eyes
that wherever you went, I wanted to give pursuit
and whatever house you rested upon, would be the house
of my destiny no matter how shanty;
and there are of course, three of me
Vulnerability, and because we are war torn lovers
turned down by many women the world deems us wise magi. and
I promise, we will never stop chasing after you
until you show us the relationship with you we seek after
because happening upon even the slightest possibility
of you letting me hold your hand, at the altar
is Christ
is Salvation

(A Virgin aspiration giving birth to a Man of my Joyous fantasies of us together forever)

------------/Matthew 2:1-10
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: "'And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.'" Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him." After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.

Alesana Seduction lyrics-----

Sunlight warms my face only in dreams of you
I know you'll wait for me...it's been too long
Beautiful eyes. beautiful lies to dull the pain
Beautiful eyes, beautiful lies...you're killing me
I would wait for years just to feel you again
I will die without you...would you my love?
Beautiful eyes, beautiful lies pour from your mouth as
You scream his name...you're killing me

Cries escape your sweet voice as I kiss you one last time
...One last time...
Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake up and realize your mistake

Ice runs through my veins as I stand face to face with
The one who stole it all
Compassion is not an option

Cries escape your sweet voice as I kiss you one last time
...One last time...
Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake up
Realize your mistake!

In love we're one, inseparable, pathetic lust, thus we crumble
I saw your eyes, I wiped your tears, I waited for you...

Who do you see with eyes shut tight?
Regret will be your bride [x3]

Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake up and realize...
Cries escape your sweet voice as I paint my own goodbye

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