Friday, December 16, 2011

Anne, When You Said No To Lunch With Me, You Sure Nailed It!

Anne, how could you do this baby girl? You sexy curly blonde smart voluptuous fit girl? I wanted to save you with my love, purge your heart from all the sins of your boyfriends past, present and future...but you didnt want that did you babes? You wanted some other kind of savior huh? Maybe a rebel king, a 6'4 hulking brute who takes charge (of both people and situations,) huh? Not a little meek wimp shepherd like me huh? When sensibility asked you to give me another chance following your refusal of our first lunch date, you know what you said?....CRUCIFY HIM!

-------------/My September Crucifixion (Pt 2) Anne I Was Your Liege, Yet You Designated and Killed Me As King (Of Fools)

The crown of thorns you gave me
you know, the cruel chastising coronation of the king of fools
didnt really feel like pricking, or even piercing pangs but plaintive
bloodletting from then on
each step I took pressing forth was like scourging your
smarmy sinister smiles, salutations (at softball games, in the halls) like whips
searing my soul with sullenness throughout each day
falling down in deep depths of depression, dust in my eyes
shame in my soul, Simon (my improbable hope of you changing your mind
one day) helping to shoulder my burden from Cyrene
I let my hands fall limp when you heckled my haggard honor
with nefarious nails of negligence
two whole months after your rejection, not a word yet you feign intimate
friendship when you pass me by, garrulously chatting about minutiae
and not the sign you cynically hammered above my head
"king of the spurned"
wondering why you wasted our friendship waiting for whats
left of my self-esteem to wane
wondering why you didnt just explain the reason for your cancellation
rather than abhorrently abscond off somewhere, aloofly
when they erected my cross of your disdain, I sobbed
a public spectacle, another repulsive man repudiated
raining blood and water from his side
with the lance of your memories
a sponge of my sexy reflections of you sweet like wine
but upon pondering what I will most likely never have
it tastes like gall
Anne, you killed me by condemning me to the disgusting fate
of a loser, a worthless man
a thief
a murderer
but all I wanted to do is kiss you and make you happy
but now the sun of my mirth is darkened
into love's hands I commend my spirit hoping in the next life
some girl will find it in her to love me
but for now you can have my dead body

---------------Luke 23:45-48-----------
And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man. And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned.

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