Friday, April 15, 2016

The Burning Desire For An Opportune Time #IamSatan

* Jesus pray for me
* Luke pray for me

And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season - Luke 4:13

+--------"The Burning Desire For An Opportune Time; Satan's Thoughts At The Conclusion Of  Jesus' Temptation In The Wilderness"

Not today. (Though my desire will always 
be dry scorching winds, midafternoon,
seeking bare human skin to blister, or
a beast on the verge of death with
a brittle parched tongue hanging
from the side of its jaw a poverty stricken
postulant praying to God for the mercy
of water. To familiarize these with the
full sweeping vigor of complete
desolation, like Eve and Adam livid
at each other, the angel with the
flaming sword livid at them.
God livid at them.) But another time then.
One day you’ll feel the heat, I’ll come
across you weak, thirsty. And I'll smile as
I watch your faith burn. Your white joy
turned black smoke of a soul completely
bereft of hope, in a wilderness of fire.

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