Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Whitney's Warrior

*dedicated to Alesana, The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Marionettes
* dedicated to Whitney, what the hey! What do I have to lose? Im hedging my bets on you….

[It's the sweet, sweet song of your heartbeat. All I feel is a memory.
 Of the night I laid in bed with you.
 It's the easy sound of your breathing. Telling me what I should've seen.
Where was I when you fell fast asleep?]

Doesn’t Whitney’s Warrior sound like a charity?  ….yeah I’ll need a charity to get with this babe! Hence Im writing cause Im too scared to ask her out! Alesana! help me out bros! I'm gonna rock out until I fall asleep and pretend Im married to whit- whit!

----------------------/ Whitney’s Warrior (Gideon)

Oh Whitney,
the dating life in Washington DC, flaming torches sharpened swords
marauders raiders of  corn and livestock pillagers howling back at the animals terrified
cads, gigolos, sluts, whores
bloodthirsty the heartbroken Jews (the naïve and vulnerable romantics) slouched
sulking stepped over by savages slobbering beards eyes bloodshot brazen
villainous cleavage masks eyes cunning
 villainous cleavage masks eyes cunning
seizure of souls shoved then seduced seduced then shoved
sleeping around with women unabashedly refusing to return calls
flirting with men titillation emotional vortex sharp as a spear
drawing blood conquests dreamed of by pure imperiousness
buttressed by short skirts and round thighs paralyzed sexy
raising expectations of love only to raze them dashed. Planted crops stolen
hence a population frustratingly starved
before I met you
my heart was  like Israel in the hands of Madian suppressed I on the threshing floor
of regret
of wishing I could find an amazing girl
cleansing wheat, recalibrating my psyche after being spurned run away
recitations of retreat underneath my putrid breath drool of despair
I had no sheep, nor ox, nor ass yet your presence divine your curly hair
I met you at an Ignatian night of prayer you an Angel of the Lord
sat under an oak of auspice, that was in Ephra (my fantasy),
and belonged to Joas  the father of the family of Ezri (a warrior)
we glanced at one another that night unmistakable, your beauty emboldening
your smile making me feel like the most valiant of men
but Im black and youre white
but Im short and youre tall
but you keep civilized company, I a brute…
I picture us at night holding hands, then kissing whispers sweet soft
your future self reassuring me true love reigns even if meager at first
in the end we will cut off Madian as one man  

(and fall in love)

---------------------------/Judges 6:6-16
And Israel was humbled exceedngly in the sight of Madian. And he cried to the Lord desiring help against the Madianites. And he sent unto them a prophet, and he spoke: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: I made you to come up out of Egypt, and brought you out of the house of bondage, And delivered you out of the hands of the Egyptians, and of all the enemies that afflicted you: and I cast them out at your coming in, and gave you their land. And an angel of the Lord came, and sat under an oak, that was in Ephra, and belonged to Joas the father of the family of Ezri. And when Gedeon his son was threshing and cleansing wheat by the winepress, to flee from Madian, The angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said: The Lord is with thee, O most valiant of men. And Gedeon said to him: I beseech thee, my lord, if the Lord be with us, why have these evils fallen upon us? Where are his miracles, which our fathers have told us of, saying: The Lord brought us Out of Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the bands of Madian. And the Lord looked upon him, and said: Go in this thy strength, and then shalt deliver Israel out of the hand of Madian: know that I have sent thee. He answered and said: I beseech thee, my lord, wherewith shall I deliver Israel? Behold my family is the meanest in Manasses, and I am the least in my father's house. And the Lord said to him: I will be with thee: and thou shalt cut off Madian as one man.

------ The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Marionettes Lyrics

here's no escape from this awful place!

Hey, stranger what's your name?
Have we met before?

Take a look around, the scenes are all the same.
I can see the veil right behind me.
I'll close my eyes and this will go away.
Have I ever said this before!?
If I just keep moving will I be okay or panic in the mayhem!?
I can't take it, I'm battered and broken, abandoned forever!

It's round and round and round we go.
Somebody please let me know just what it takes to begin to start all over again.

The truth has finally shown it's face.
How long have I been in this place?
I never had a choice, you blinded me and stole my voice!
I will see you soon.

Hey, stranger what's your name?
Have we met before?

Do I ever dare to question fate's design or submit to such a bleak destiny?
There has to be another way than this, It's a hopeless fight anyway!
I will not give up and wash away the sin, I'm thirsting for the carnage!
I can't take it, I'm battered and broken, abandoned forever!

It's round and round and round we go.
Somebody please let me know just what it takes to begin to start all over again.

The truth has finally shown it's face.
How long have I been in this place?
I never had a choice, you blinded me and stole my voice!

I will no longer take flight from you...
Now that you've got me, what's next?!
Let me help.
Now I destroy you, demon!
Sinew is ripped to shreds!
Stripped form your body, crimson!
Fury of righteousness will now consume you in death!

It's the sweet, sweet song of your heartbeat.
All I feel is a memory.
Of the night I laid in bed with you.
It's the easy sound of your breathing.
Telling me what I should've seen.
Where was I when you fell fast asleep?

I can't live without you by my side.

It's round and round and round we go.
Somebody please let me know just what it takes to begin, to start all over again!

It's round and round and round we go.
Someone please let me know just what it takes to begin, to start all over again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you met this Whitney person? You should tell her how you feel.