Saturday, November 24, 2012

Choice Cyrenian Charity

* Dedicated to Underoath, To Whom It May Concern

[The setting: Heaven. Tony and Jesus stand in Jesus’ Throne Room, in the company of the twenty four elders seated about, watching a projection of Jesus’ last moments before his crucifixion on the eastern wall . An emerald rainbow casts a colorful hue to the room. The floor resembles pure gold (for more deets see Revelation ch 4, yo!)]

Tony (grimacing at the harrowing scenes of Jesus being beaten, changing the subject to his personal life): Man Jesus, playboy, I feel like giving up son son!

Jesus (concerned and turning and fixing his empathetic gaze on him): what do you mean, my son?

Tony: …mmaaaaaannn its just that I keep getting dissed by all deez girls, and then I got money problems, and I feel like I should be married with kids by now…I just feel like a loser man! Plus the Bible study I lead is really diminutive in size…and my car is junky….and….and…I just really want to find a nice lady….

Jesus: Tony, its not the crosses we bear that are our most significant identifications, but the way in which we bear them. Turn these burdens over to me and keep pressing onward. I have a plan for your life that makes these trifles pale in comparison.  You were made for so much more than money, and women, and an earthly family

Tony (displaying an affected look of confusion): …..whaaaaa? Man I don’t know what you talkin bout willis, but I know I be getting lonely, and horny, and depressed, and I don’t feel like going to church anymore, and I just want to drink, gamble and hire prostitutes sometimes. What does it matter, this purpose you say you have, when I have such a heavy heart??!!! Why do I keep scaring girls I like away with this blog???

Jesus (wryly): This blog is not about them, its about me – supposedly

Tony (blushing and in protestation): …what is THAT supposed to mean??? I am theJESUSmetaphor, afterall!!!!

Jesus (still staring at Tony scrupulously): ….anyhow, I shall send you a Simon to help you with your current plight. A person, an idea, a group….be on the lookout for any of the above, for amelioration of your current sufferance. I wont let you fall, or fail. I wont let you give up on yourself….

Tony: Simon???..... Cowell???? ….from the X Factor??!!!

Jesus: …………uh, no
(The twenty four elders chuckle in unison)

Matthew 27:31-32
 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.

--------------/Choice Cyrenian Charity

Mocking lacerations disrobing shame supercilious stares like
nails in the hands of the afflictions flanking
like soldiers marching
the look where eyes meet that couldn’t be further apart
a Mother aghast at her son obstinate till death
at the height of all his lunacy
(both exasperated and in need of each other)
and more spittle from the crowd Jewish than Roman hired guards
a “savior sullied” a haughty “deluded despot” a “pitiable perfidious prophet”
worse than the heavy blows by callous balled fists and whistling whips
wreaking havoc nearly impaling the flesh of an already impaled soul
now not sweating his own blood incrementally
but gushing from gaping wounds galling
yet my oppressors giggle as I gasp
for what inexorably appears to be my last
expectations are more leaden than this leaden cross
expectations are more leaden than this leaden cross
teary eyes closed from both bruising and fantasizing
I kiss the dust, sprawled like a child
in the mercy of her hands
the rocks her jagged fingernails of disdain

Tension thick like dense mud in the air
Hatred, disbelief, sorrow and surprise swirl
(perfect conditions for rain) in the crowd
a bloody battered luminary of the disenfranchised
dancing uncoordinatedly with his demise, unrecognizable
flailing and falling to the ground unable to move
as the jeering increases so does my concern
shrewd sentences  settled with barbaric barrabus
Pontius Pilate shuddering
what if this is the Messiah we have implored God to send
my stunned heart still yearns to believe (that he walked on water)
Felled by soldiers full of flatulence and facades of masculinity?
 Ignominious endings are not fit for a King, the cross
a totem for our shared humanity
that no man should bear alone without help
no man, particularly a just one laying unresponsive next to dung
deserves to die alone

----------------To Whom It May Concern Lyrics
So hold your head up high and know
It's not the end of the road
Walk down this beaten path before
You pack your things and head home
At the end of the road
You'll find what you've been longing for
You'll find what you've been longing for at the end of the road
I know 'cause my feet have the scars to show
I was lost with vague direction and no place to call home...

It's time for you to press on
This is not your war
Set your sights,
Set your sights to North
Press on, press on
This is not your escape,
This is not your escape
Wash away what they thought of you
Lock your sights, press on
'Cause in this place we're all as good as dead
...end cycle
'Cause in this place we're all as good as dead
...end cycle, press on
Behind the mask you'll find yourself alone
It's not the end of the road,
the end of the road for you

At the end of the road
You'll find what you've been longing for
You'll find what you've been longing for
You'll find what you've been longing for