Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Her Name Is Marah, At Times Bitter But Always Sweet. (I Need Her)

Yo, this post is dedicated to a girlie who drives me absolutely nuts, in a positive fashion. Drives me up a wall, shes a synthesis of all admirable traits a guy could want: Christian, attractive, great personality, ..... (blank). There are times I quite literally fancy myself hugging her so tightly that I transfuse my soul into hers. Now if youve familiarized yourself with my blog at all recently, thats quite the accolade, since as is patently obvious I am indiscriminately girl crazy! Who knows, tomorrow I may do another post about Amanda Seyfried! MAN IS SHE SMOKIN!!! BUT I DIGRESS...Im working on that, but alas, it is my inveterate proclivity; But anyways, thats an entirely different blog post for another time. But yeah, this aforementioned girl is truly ineffable....I cant quite put my finger on it, but she is so tantalizing, so intriguing and so beguiling to me that I find myself staring at her pictures for hours in failed sessions aimed at figuring her out. I am constrained to say anything that might "out" her since I dont want to set myself up for imminent heart failure. Besides, this whole situation is fraught with so many obstacles (that I cant delve into) that I am leaving the door open for someone else to waltz in and steal my passions! But suffice it to say that this girl has me wrapped around her finger in the worst way...maybe she knows it, and maybe she knows I know she knows and that I have to disregard this information in order to maintain homeostasis. Anyway, this is to you - mystery girl, enigmatic girl, cuz sometimes you grate on my nerves too! - girl I dont know if I'm falling in love with or not!!! One things for sure - I aint bitter about loving you - OOPS!

--------/My Marah: Her Name is Bitter Enigma, But Her Essence, Her Affect Is So Sweet!

A slave I was
I remember bitter consternation at being jilted by women
as Egypt.
as ornery scorpions as bullies and saboteurs
chasing me on borders of pits of quicksand and as whips
cracking me into consciousness cutting clothes, chaffed
skin by the cantankerous sun charred - cruelly
because I was never allowed to sleep - anger's insomniac
but that all changed when you arrived son of Pharaoh
lineage of equivocating psychotics
but distinct, matchless somehow inimitable
your spunky personality, sundry other stuff stood out
your heavenly hips, your thick sexy legs
beckoned me to the Red Sea of endless possibility
my dreams of kissing you, having married sex with you
dared me to trust
in a liberation from aristocratic acerbic asinine arbitrary
applications of justice - girls reject me, then date guys who
chauvinistic, could care less
so I walked barefoot - spurning my sandals settling them
on sinister sands of a shameful city surmising
that as long as I was with you I would never
reengage the past
and the desert, this nebulous phase we then entered-
does she like me, because we keep complimenting each other
yet she aspires amity and amor alongside
guys we both know - was disastrously hot for my feet
disinterest developed
getting thirsty again for love, for a woman captivating
more, elevating my endorphin levels more
so I complained after the three days (characterizing a crush)
infatuation, interest, inertia
we traversed that the water you now offered me
the substance of our semi-undefined relationship
was horrid
(that I wanted to wander off somewhere else with wild women)
but again you surprised shook my knees shoved me into
throwing the stick
of your charm, your sterling smile, a pic of you in a dress and heels
into the water of our relationship that soured
and spectacularly I submitted once again to you
you are my drug
you are my addiction
your sexiness, your seeking of the Lord on my behalf
your shepherding of my emotions (that knowing confidence)
made (and still makes) all taste

Exodus 15:23-25
And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they [were] bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, [which] when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,

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