Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ecce Homo (Da Movement)

Ecce Homo scenarios:

[#1 A nuclear family: a mother, father, son and daughter sit at table supping.]

Mother: Honey, can you please pass me the salt?
Father (passing the salt): Sure, dear, no problem babes. [Now looking towards his son] Would you like some more chi-
Son (abruptly interrupting his father's speech): ECCE HOMO!!!

[#2 Two early twenty something lobbyists at a black tie gala for a non-profit organization they work for, doubling as their first date, since he asked her to accompany him.]

Woman: uuugghhhhh the food, music and ambiance here is SOOOO bland!
Man (staring at the dance floor blankly): ............
Woman (expressing slight consternation at not being acknowledged): FRANK! I asked you a ques-
Man (interrupting): ECCE HOMO!!!

[#3 Televised presidential debate, already in progress, with moderator attempting to facilitate debate and gain clarity from four candidates on various issues]

Moderator (to candidate one): Mr. Humphries, your opponent clearly disagrees with your stance on environmental regulations, especially relating to non-renewable fossil fuels! She is borderline manic in her stance! What is your retort?
Candidate one: ....hmmmm....Ive thought long and hard about this.....
Moderator (after a long pause by candidate one, and very spiritedly): ANNDDD?!!!
Candidate one (calmly): ECCE HOMO
Moderator (after audience grumbling): WHATT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Sir, we are specifically asking if you support drilling in your region!
Candidate one: ECCE HOMO

A-YO! Hey yall! R U REAADDDYYYYY? Im tryin ta start up this ecce homo movement yall! Im tryin ta get black shirts emblazoned with white letters! ECCE HOMO! So in solidarity with me, whenever you need to feel empowered, even in the midst of conversation, yell out ECCE HOMO!!! Behold the man!

-----------/Ecce Homo: The Thoughts of Pilate As He Presents Jesus to the Crowds

The mark of "modern" man is that he spends his entire life trying to metamorphose everyone
into himself
behold the Roman man: bestialities (private/public), incest, orgies, pedophilia
mass bloodlust; children cheering
begging for victims bathed in blood, if not then jeering
elation for death, moaning for life spared
adultery by the Caesars callously- treason
before the morals of those who serve them- temples of Zeus and Diana
edifices of sanctimony smoke rising from human sacrifices
and the smoke makes him cry
not the sorrowful satirization, subversion of Saturnalia by slaves
and common folk
unrivaled corruption by the Praetorian guard, titular throne
senate clashing, disregarding emperor rule
aspirational anarchy allowed et al.
Jesus, a man, condemned by the Jews but not of them
not hegemonic, not self indulgent, silent
(genuine, uncorrupted and uncontrolled and undaunted by the
unfettered power at his disposal)
-behold the Jewish man-
in the face of flagrant acrimony unjustified punched
in the face
by soldiers he came to serve: "King" facetiously
of the Hebrew people who hate him. Not a hint of duplicity
in his determined disposition to die
for nobility, for a new life, a New World purged washed clean.
fear of him, but not fear inherent in him
widespread reports of miracles - he
waking and walking to wayward women and writhing worn
down men forgotten: healing them, feeding them
jilted by a jealous crowd seemingly not given to second chances
unsettled. supercilious. superficial zeal for their god
superseded by psychoses and inertia
never was there one like him, I
through squelching seditions and insurrections attest amongst
everything vile, all the cesspools of human depravity
of spears driven into innocent civilians by mad soldiers for sport
he is inimitable, anomalous, nonpareil
not in Rome, not in Jerusalem, not in the world.
if he dies, I only pray for his resurrection
Jewish people (if just for a time, appreciate him. you know not what you do)
all peoples

(who wants to make you better than you are, not worse)

-----/John 18:38-19:6
Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, "I find no guilt in him. But you have a custom that I should release one man for you at the Passover. So do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?" They cried out again, "Not this man, but Barabbas!" Now Barabbas was a robber. Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe. They came up to him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" and struck him with their hands. Pilate went out again and said to them, "See, I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him." So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, "Behold the man!" When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out, "Crucify him, crucify him!" Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no guilt in him."


AustrianPrincess said...

You've got some great thoughts in your head! I always enjoy reading your blog!

AustrianPrincess said...

"Behold the man"- I've always had conflicting ideas about that moment in the Bible. It's made me uncomfortable because it seems to be putting the blame for Jesus' death squarely on the Jews, and I'm not comfortable with blame. You spoke on a good point, however, that the Romans should also share that a lot, being the ones actually in charge of the situation. Also the bigger picture situation, that Jesus and the movement that he started was really questioning the fundamental beliefs and actions of the "establishment".