Monday, June 7, 2010

Your Love Makes My Fears Disappear

* To my future wife.....(maybe I'll meet you before this Saga ends?!)

Who is this coming out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the merchant's fragrant powders? Behold, it is Solomon's couch, with sixty valiant men around it, of the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords, being expert in war. Every man has his sword on his thigh because of fear in the night. (Song of Songs 3:6-8)

-------------Song of Solomon Saga Chapter 3: Your Love Makes My Fears Disappear

When I first laid eyes on you - I knew
it was the end of all melancholy
my heart contracted
breath shortened, hands trembled, mouth stood agape
silence draped my consciousness
as if I was suspended between celestial lands
and a vivid dream
that I’ve been praying for since I was a boy
your presence metamorphosed my perceptions
of who I was, am, and are to be – mysterious and dazzling
like pillars of smoke, coming out of the wilderness of my time lost
spent shedding tears on the barren plains, rocks, and dessert shrubs
of anticipatory love, chasing after falling stars hoping
because facing you makes everything about me suddenly aromatic
my fate jovial perfumed with the myrrh and frankincense
of a future life well lived, and filled with your tender embraces
you are royalty
my soul's luminary
reclined on a couch of my most sacred hopes
cherished and guarded by my desires and intentions
and affections and kisses
like sixty valiant men with sharp swords
(on their thighs)
expert in war
trained in the art of never letting you go
because I will never be lonely again
and never need solace from those
who cant comfort me in the special way you can
allaying my consternation about being unloved
who cant hold me close and keep me warm
because of fear in the night

(You are my morning, my sun, my new day)

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