Thursday, June 3, 2010

(My) Cold Sweats Of the Solitary

* To my future wife....(maybe I’ll meet you before this Saga ends?!)

Tell me, O you whom I love,
Where you feed your flock,
Where you make it rest at noon.
For why should I be as one who veils herself
By the flocks of your companions? (Song of Solomon 1:7)

--------------------Song of Solomon Saga Chapter 1/ Cold Sweats Of The Solitary

[[[[Tell me, O you whom I love, Where you feed your flock, Where you make it rest at noon.]]]]

I imagine us
in a waterfront dining district
some swanky metropolis
entering a posh restaurant overlooking
tributaries that flow through the city into the nearest sea
its current flows steadily under the gaze of the full moon
bathed in an alabaster glow
cloudless sky, balmy night
our table is in an alcove with windows closest to water’s ledge
white table cloth, white flowers (white vase), white napkins
(red candles)
peering down we can see ourselves reflected
though distorted in the small ripples
and I stare into your eyes
red skinny tie, skinny jeans, grey blazer
red chucks
you in a white summer dress, flattering
with white sandals
I want to reach out and tenderly place
your stray hair strands behind your ear...
but then I awake
alone in my bed, room heater inducing
sweltering heat, (yet my soul is coldly detached)
heart pulsating frenetically
forlorn blood throughout my forlorn veins
by now I've forgotten what your face looks like
realizing that ineffable comfort I felt
was a mere phantom
just wishing you would tell me, my love
where I can find you
so these bitter pangs of loneliness can finally cease…

[[[For why should I be as one who veils himself
By the flocks of your companions? ]]]

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