Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Are My Moses, ***e ****

[dedicated to ***e ****]


I am groaning
being alone feels like a whip flaying my back
yet again
reopening old scars from a past life
being apart from you is akin
to the agony of blood profusely pouring as my skin peels
women and children watch from afar and cringe
as singleness curls its lips like an Egyptian task master
and snarls
I go in and out of consciousness as the scorching dessert winds
blow sand over my limp body
at the base of the pyramid I was told to build
one with bricks made of pure angst and discontent
mixed with my tears baptized under the glow of the moon
I want to get out of this horrid land of the uncherished
the unhugged the unloved
so my heart can heal and stop languishing
this land of wanting a woman to hold but being refused
of holding love's cup to my mouth, only to drink
the urine of donkeys I used to carry my workload of shame
assisting me in my futile attempts to outwork the writhing
of my soul – without you ***e
without a girl, without a helpmate
and what separates us (and marriage)
except the vast Red Sea?
I would love you there, and kiss you from head to toe
I would hold you until you fell asleep in my arms
every night
in tents made of skins of goats (of security)
not exposed and uncovered and on beds of the wasteland floor
(preyed on by lions of uncertainty)
may your love be to me like ten plagues of vengeance
for all the nights I spent in solitude
harassing my callous lords of disconsolation
and make the sea stand up like a wall
riven down the middle so we both can pass through
and enter Canaan
as the waves forever crash down on these assailants

(the land of the newly wed, girl)

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