Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just Give Me a Fair Shake, Please. Dont Crucify Me, Girl

* dedicated to *a**


I am determined for you to know who I am
the real me
not some impostor
baby, don't judge me wrongly -please

don't drag me before the Sanhedrin,
false accusations hurled
Thursday night into Friday morning misunderstood and
mischaracterized by my sinister fellow Jews and
pompous priests tearing their clothing
punched, mocked, and spat on in the face
by the temple guard of your apprehensions
I want to love you – for you
not to be indulgent, or profligate or chained in a cell
like a criminal awaiting trial unable to sleep on the cold stone
floors of the prison cell with rusty bars and shackles fastened too tightly
musty smells and rat shrieks
and when the sun rises on the face of Pontius Pilate
I am completely unaware enveloped in darkness but led away
to your judicial conscience like a governor of a Roman province
given authority to kill (the only chance I have to convince you
to fall in love with me) or insouciantly dismiss me to
the lesser standards of your discriminating friends like Herod Antipas
lecherous and depraved, overly concerned with themselves
even at the expense of the innocent. Killing senselessly (like father like son)
trying to take any feelings of affection you may have for me away
especially if it means the judgment will be rendered by your own hands
even if initially they find me amusing
....and so they want you to flog me and send me to my death
even though you don't know the whole truth yet about me
You don't know that my love for you would be dazzling, and that
I would be your knight in shining armor riding on the clouds
in the glory of the heavenly realms of you and me together
the crown of thorns, however you want to give me is not
the crown I hoped for
and the whips cracked on my back would not be the treatment
I envisioned receiving from the future love of my life
not being with you would be too heavy for me to bear
Simon of Cyrene would have to carry my cross along the way at least partly
before I was spit on again by the cruel realization of you with someone else
hoisted in the air
hanging by rutted nails hammered through my skin
and jagged wood splintering my raw back
between two thieves of hope – despair and depression
and even so I would obstinately believe you didn't know
what you were doing all along ---and I would ultimately forgive you
though in the end, it would kill me

So please just give me a fair shake, *a**
let me show you that Im a normal guy – who
just likes to be expressive. I wouldn't hurt you
I would actually be very tender with your emotions
Just give me that chance, girl

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