Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Im Definitely Crushing On Someone

I never breathed
or slept
or ate before
I met you, life was fret and stale air and fasting
and I don’t really know you but
I don’t want to know what life is like without you
because I cant and wont stop musing on
what you look like, and the sound of your voice
and your taste in music
because my death is your reproach
of me
all I want is for you to kiss me (when we're married)
and hold me – and stare into my eyes, fondly
whispering those three words teary eyed
because you are like my paint brush
on the canvas of my soul with bright pastels
I create vivid portraits of our life together (when I close my eyes)
I get weak in the knees, my arms are flaccid
In your presence....I just want to bow before you and gush
about your beauty (and your sexiness)
and dote on you
my head on your knees
and there are a million reasons why this wont work
slander, libelous rumors about me
failings in my past pursuits in seeking love
maybe your age, maybe impetuosity, maybe haste
maybe naiveté, maybe ignorance
maybe another guy
but I want to be that guy, and I want you to be able to pardon
my past sins, for wanting love so bad
because love is the pinnacle of all being
that everyone desires - not just me. when you fall in love
everything else halts
and your suspended in the air
I drove home today after the storm and I witnessed the clouds
like a sculpture against the backdrop of the orange setting sun
and that is what love is, and that is what I want from you
and everything you hate about me I want to hate too
if that means we can be together
I can change, I can wait, I can be another person
I can renounce my worth
I just don't want you to impale me with the piercing arrows
of rejection
because you make me so vulnerable
when I first saw you, you liberated me
from the prison of hopelessness and ennui
I don’t even know what Im saying to you
I just want to somehow express that I want you
and that I don't want to miss the opportunity to let you know
that I think youre a special girl
and that I want to be special to you too
I have a crush on you

And Michal, Saul's daughter, loved David: and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him – 1 Samuel 18:20

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