Friday, June 11, 2010

You Are My Chariot of Amminadib

I went down to the garden of nuts to see the verdure of the valley, to see whether the vine had budded and the pomegranates had bloomed. Before I was even aware, my soul had made me as the chariots of my noble people. (Song of Solomon 6:11-12)

[[or v12 can be translated as – "or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib"]]

-----------------------------------------Song of Solomon Saga Chapter 6: My Chariot of Amminadib

I think I may never fall in love again
for no other woman is your equal
I used to stare at my reflection in pools at night
and see morose
barely able to walk
barely able to traverse from despair to apathy
apathy to lethargy, lethargy to tepid indifference
and without you in my life I was reticent
to merely lift my eyes to the sun
fearful that light would reveal my plight
and evanesce
and leave me in darkness
twice – my heart and my eyes
but now, you are my incandescent glow
my candle, fire in dark places of my soul
at the bleakest of hours
you are resurrection from death
I went down to the garden of nuts, (the crossroads of my hopes and dreams)
to see the verdure of the valley
to see if the pomegranates of my desire for you
had bloomed
that’s when you smiled at me
and before I was even aware
you made me spry
I jump for joy, I outrun doubt and discouragement
before they even know I left
I ride my aspiration like I have reins in my hands
and two horses: glee, and excitement
that wont slow down
you make me feel noble
like I have never have before
falling for you is like sitting inside a chariot
rejoicing with silent tears

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