Thursday, March 3, 2016

To The Wolf That Ate Taylor Swift's Dress In The #OutOfTheWoods Video.. I Hate You. #TaylorDateTony

* Jesus pray for me
* Paul pray for me
* dedicated to #TaylorDateTony

+--------To The Wolf That Ate Taylor Swift's Dress In The #OutOfTheWoods Video....I Am  The Shepherd Of The #TaylorDateTony Movement!!! So I Hate You.

What is the plight of the Shepherd
but to clench the staff, squint eagle
eyes and circumnavigate the
borders of his plains? “To protect
and serve.” “To track down straying
wool wanderers in woods, to lead Mom
and ewe to banks of fresh water
streams, to fleece tenderly” – this the
oath he has sworn in heart, ratified
by sheep bleats, recited in his
dreams, and feared by those set
to prey on the flock. For it is the
dried wood of his anger, the flint of
excuses for holocaust.
                                  And you are
a whiskered enemy of the Gospel of Love
(Christ), depraved scavenger bereft of
soul, harboring within your corrupt heart
the gall to eat the dress of Taylor Swift!!!
the music industry’s most precious Lamb!
Feel the rod of my raging emotions for this
the slit of my dagger of malcontent
across your underbelly. Behold, now,
disembodied, a fur coat of your own blood
flung strand by strand back into the
wicked wilderness from which you came.
Your lifeless skinned body adrift in a river,
scent of opportunity for beasts hungry.

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves – Matt. 7:15

I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. – Acts 20:29

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