Monday, March 28, 2016

Grief Redefined #Easter #HeHasRisen

* Jesus pray for me
* John pray for me
* Mary Magdalene pray for me
* Dedicated to Escape The Fate, When I Go Out, I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

+-------"Grief Redefined; The Thoughts Of Mary Magdalene Running From
Jesus' Empty Tomb To See Peter" 

Now, truly, I know what the demons
felt when He cast them out of me...
the pangs of a body emptied like the
pangs of a tomb emptied, Im sure;
And the fretting, frantic pacing
to find a new place for your hopes
and dreams to reside. My Savior is gone.
I can’t sing the dirge I wrote that I hummed
to stall the howling red eyed ghosts of
despair in my sleep last night. How can I
pay homage to His reclamation of my
dignity now? (A whore who is a woman
who isn’t a whore anymore, former cause
of children’s sneering, the sublimation of
their spits and curses). But what if the
things promised were true? That He’s not
dead but run off alive somewhere? I would
reject everything convention dictated
to me as a little girl, then. Id tell Romans
not to worship Casear for he’s no God,
the Jews to stop waiting for the Messiah...
and to come help me find Him

-----John 20:1-2
The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.

-----When I Go Out, I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire Lyrics

He had a plan to kill you all along
The evidence was hidden in this song
I was a ghost, I was there at the scene
As the embers rise my hands
Smelled like gasoline

So, the head lights murdered my thoughts
I curse this taste that's on my tongue
This taste will last until I rip it out
No, I won't need these gloves
Her bones are withered away
But her ghost will remain

You're the only one that wore your seatbelt
We're the only ones that cried
Catastrophic accidents
You're the only one that died

So keep my casket closed
Your heart beats under the floor
It haunts me in my dreams
And nothing's as it seems


So just believe in me
I'll never let you down
This was a curse I can say
As you lie in your grave

You're the only one that wore your seatbelt
We're the only ones that cried
Catastrophic accidents
You're the only one that died

So keep my casket closed
Your heart beats under the floor
It haunts me in my dreams
And nothing's as it seems

(But her ghost will remain as you lie in your grave)
(But her ghost will remain as you lie in your grave)

All the choices you've made
And the paths that I take
You're the only one that died
The evidence was hidden in this song

All the choices you've made
And the paths that I take
We're the only ones that cried
I knew it all along

All the choices you've made
And the paths that I take
(It was never enough, it was never enough
it was never enough now was it)

So keep my casket closed
Your heart beats under the floor
It haunts me in my dreams
But nothing's as it seems


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