Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Prophecies That Precede The Womb #MarchForLife

* Jesus pray for me
* Jeremiah pray for me
* All aborted babies pray for me

+----Prophecies That Precede The Womb; Jeremiah's Thoughts On Being Chosen, Before His Birth, To Prophesy About Babylon

Im tremulous, when I walk
to the market stray manacles,
waft before my eyes. And after
the commerce while traversing the
town square, I begin hallucinating
about women
and children as kin to iron, generations
fathered by a common chain,
shackles choking their necks as theyre
jerked past Our Temple razed, stumbling,
black smoke rising from hollowed out eyes.
And what should I make of it all,
these horrifying visions?
Back home I do feel guilty if I eat
alone, the candle that flickers beneath
my tears my lone house guest, apart from
the woeful people who desperately need me,
who need moral reasoning when God
insists everyone is going violently mad in sinful
delusion. He tells me that in my absence
my nation will never recover
from the fated disconsolation
of Babylonian fire,
from the scars enemy swords will leave
on their skin and vexed sleeping. If I
was never born, He said, no one else would
have courage to prophesy a Messiah rising
from the peoples’ blood, joy veiled in
captive darkness, a future liberation soteriology.
This, the pained angst of a prophet predestined.

  -----------------Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations

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