Monday, December 20, 2010

Restoration's Pleadings - MY Christmas Carols Yall! Pt. 1

*Dedicated to Nas, Still Dreaming

---------------------/Restoration's Pleadings: The Thoughts Of Simeon As He Raised Jesus In The Air [MY Christmas Carols! Pt 1]

men say they favor the advancement of peace
and linearly extol its supposed virtues
but in truth
and in practice everyone yearns for war
annihilation and separation – both of nemeses
and more profoundly (if one is keen to discern) themselves
because hatred is the weaker emotion
requiring less commitment, affects, and time to progress from remorse
to tolerance, with dignity and justifications often left intact
because laying flowers at a grave site will always be a less vigorous act
than laying flowers in a foe’s hand
though at this point the soul inside has already begun a slow conflagration
toward its sad terminus
a painless death, but a death nonetheless (preventable)
and because jealously, covetousness, mendacity and bitterness:
the coming to terms with one's own shortcomings
often results in a self-loathing that requires intense privacy
commensurate with the desire to leave the world
quickly – a desperate attempt to salvage sanity by giving up the ghost
and eschewing true reconciliation that one must make with himself
and with his neighbor to have any semblance of peace –
and to one day see God -
no matter how onerous this choice may be
so then one man interacting with another man
metastasizes into one nation interacting with another nation
with vituperation and duplicity
despising itself as much as its individual citizens despise themselves
(and each other)
razing buildings, enslaving families, burning sacred spaces
until the pursuit of life is so trivialized it is reduced to
mere acquisition (or its desire) of sex, conquest and massive greed
wherein spare time is only spent on erecting bastions
philosophically, strategically and spiritually for these selfsame "goals"
at the detriment of nobility, spiritual attunement, or mercy for all the point where I fear the world has become so blind
that each day its eminent extinction grows nearer and nearer.
And so sighing, I sit outside the temple each night,
leaning against its walls, staring at the moon
begging (before this old man dies)
for the opportunity to see redemption for this forsaken world
the restoration of just one man, even
that understands justice, equity, and true wisdom
that perhaps can plant a seed that if possible flowers
in this ruinous soil all lands and nations have become
(Israel included)
and grows into a second chance for us
for man to live the way he was supposed to live
and love the way he is supposed to love
even if it takes the loss of one's own life
because living wrongly is not living at all
someone to show the world in truth
that ideals trump pragmatics
earnest effort and honesty trump sloth and lies
and righteousness trumps wickedness
then everyone else will follow

-------------Luke 2:25-32
Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel."

-----------Still Dreaming Lyrics

Sample + (Kanye West)]
Some people (Yeah)
Some people (unh-unh)
Some people really are
Still dreaming (And as the sun sets
and the night falls)
They are still dreaming (and them hoes call)

[Verse 1: Kane West]
He pulled up at 6:30 in his 745
As he wavin' his shorty hi, you know he showin' his bling out
She got in the car, he drove, he pulled his thing out
His girl call, feelin' she mad, she threw the ring out
How she found out, she dreamt the whole thing out
Y'all be goin' through problems you gotta work the kinks out
When you go to sleep, what do you think 'bout?
If y'all get a divorce she gon' take everything except the kitchen sink out
Make it so cold that you gotta pull ya mink out
Or grab ya roller skates and, turn a roller rink out
You now back up in the club, in the club, tryna min-gle
Meanwhile, she out, doin' the same thing now
Nightmares from your dream gal make ya scream out

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]
Some people really (still dreamin')
Some people really (make ya scream out)
Some people really are (still)
Still dreaming (st-still dreamin')
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)
They are still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)

Some people really
Some people really
Some people really are

[Verse 2: Nas]
How you a man waitin' for the next man to get rich?
Yo' plan is to stick out yo' hand real quick
So if he feed ya family and he serve you *
Then he need that* you get and he deserve your *
Since you wishin' cash fall from the sky all ya life
Dwellin' on the past when you was alright
When you was gettin' cash but wasn't too bright
Now ya luck down you feel like, bustin' them shells
Nobody owe you, can't do nothin' for self
Want n* to show you, how to come up wit' green
I scheme since I'm fourteens, what the * was your dream?
Rental cars, little broads, sayin' you was seen
Wit' little n* wit' a chain you was doin' ya thing
How high was I? You the thousandth guy
That came around thinkin' we can see, eye to eye
We on a different echelon, coulda got bread together
Now you gets deaded on

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]
Some people really (so keep dreamin')
Some people really
Some people really are (still dreamin')
Still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true) (still dreamin')
They are still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true) (still dreamin')

Some people really
Some people really
Some people really are

[Verse 3: Nas]
She had several cars, she had credit cards, a castle
Large master bathroom, gettin' a pedicure
Belaney by the glassful, said she been meanin' to ask who
Would need a cash rule, who could blast tools
And I'm eatin' cashews, knew she was bad news
But we mad cool, nothin' sexual 'cause I knew her since high school
Grew up wit' my dudes, like one of my crews
She worked for Fox News
One of her mans that she lent her drop to
Won't come back wit' it so she want him clapped in it
Says it's important that it looks like an accident
She was snortin' and her eyes had bags in it
Sheets was recordin had a wire, askin' *
Four days before I came by she got bagged wit' bricks
Crossed the line from her world of news castin'
To a world of entrapment, a good girl gone backwards
Still dreamin'

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]

[Sample of "They are still dreaming" to end]

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