Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Miley lets forget the haters - together!

Yo Miley, they say you be smoking weed, and they say....they say I be harassing people – *sigh* such is our plight - I just think we’re misunderstood, babes, mischaracterized as a naughty girl and bad boy. You were smoking Salvia, and I was just expressing myself hyperbolically ....you know Im soooo EMO, riiiight? You know what? Lets be the Bonnie and Clyde of the Christian blogosphere and love each other brazenly (for just this one post?) and show the world how indomitable we are and that our spirits wont wilt due to adversity. Oh Miley, youre cool with me no matter what they say bout you nah mean? Party in the USA for reals!!!!. And yo, since birds of a feather flock together – lets love each other as rebels, rebelliously! Actually, seriously though, babes you are helping me cope with my scandal....just looking at your beautiful face and admiring your spunky verve are like an antidote to the poisonous slander lodged against me. OHHH MILEY, let me show you just what you mean to me – and if TMZ keeps harassing you – don’t feel spurned or jilted because you can find refuge in yer boy: thejesusmetaphor because he sho nuff can empathize! ALL TIME LOW, HELP ME SING IT!!! UHNNNNNN!!!!

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