Monday, December 27, 2010

Born Unto Us (All Of Us)

(For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.) Isaiah 9:6

---------------/Born Unto Us

A collective birth, a shared son
entrusted to the world
to his mother and brothers and sisters
who are not his ilk
from God above
to grow up and inherit the muck brandishing a fallen
contending against lust, lie and scorn
murder, adultery and jealousy
foreign to him but intrinsic to our nature
grasping at swords to cut ourselves
yet he without a scar
eating at table with tax collectors
keeping company with sexy harlots tempting
to the eyes that only objectify her
for one aspect of her humanity but disrespecting the rest
pharisaical; exposing hypocrisy as fearful, shamed men
boldly pretending religiosity
as he reins in the wayward pervasive philosophy of self
that corrupts our desire to be good people
(to other people)
excursions from town to town
in the Roman empire: most powerful but impotent
to heal the sick and suffering, unwilling to care
for its denizens like a mother hen
her chicks
but he wipes away every tear from our eyes
with but the hem of his robe alleviates
chronic menstrual bleeding
leprosy and blind eyes and aching self esteem
that spurs one to sleep with another woman's husband
riding on a donkey unceremoniously
like a dismal king when others ride in chariots
to die for all of the above
in order to secure clemency for future generations
after he's gone
buried in the soil contaminated with blood
of too many delinquents violating the command to
cease from pandemic hatred over frivilous things
like land and money
from our spears, our jeers, our spit and our scorn
we braided the whip, and fashioned the crown of thorns
and tutored the smith who made the nails (with perfect precision)
that impaled him
on Good Friday
screaming, wailing sucking on Mary's breasts yanked
from the womb
we are all parents,
who spiritedly cheered when Pontius Pilate let Barabbas
go (skipping to commit another crime)
as he walked Golgotha on our behalf after we raised him
weaned him on our sin. Behold,
this is our child,
born unto us

(for us)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Kill The Boy

------------------/Kill The Boy: Herod's Thoughts After Dismissing The Magi From His Royal Court [These are MY Christmas Carols Pt 3]

For too long Ive waited
sat idly by as insignificance either admonished me
to wait my turn to rule, for many years, or worse yet
in bitter jealousy consigned me to die an ignominious death
as it commissioned droves of conspirators to make attempts at my
life, unabashedly and dishonorably trying to steal away
my right to rule, either through allied conquests
or through surreptitious poisoning of all my hopes and dreams;
of establishing a long lasting fruitful aristocracy (for the good of Judea)
showing no mercy
and I have the scars (Antipater, Phasael) to prove it
and I swear to God there will not be another
Antigonus stirring up trouble galvanizing another cabal
of wicked men desirous of scandalous mass assassination
me first, then my sons (is there anything else of worth left?)
and ruinous sabotage of the legacy I wish to leave behind
all Ive ever known my whole life is madness, plotting, colluding
deceit and baneful macabre suffering
and chronic paranoia that whispers "Hades" in my ear
so that I wake up screaming to the consternation of my wife
and this boy
this prophecy about a coming ruler can be interpreted no other way
than: ominously unwanted (my own demise)
there are enough men with enough hubris in this world
that we don't need to entertain thoughts of another
and for all the torment
and the lies I've been told
the claims of virtue about him are dubious at best
Antony and Octavian, and Herod graciously subordinate
are all that Judeans need to know right now
if they want change, there will be none; assuredly
of that I have seen enough and drunk enough of its blood
to be sufficiently jaded by it
cries for a savior fall on deaf ears
though suffering, salvation for Jews will have to wait
this is my time to wield power unabated

-------------Matthew 2:1-13
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written:
"'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.'"
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him." After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Laura, My Handlers Said I Had To Write This First (Poem Next Post!)

Okay so just for the record (Im dismayed I have to do this –maaaan it ruins the flow of my poem, but alas, Ive been accused of harassing a person/people simply because I’d chosen to write about my feelings for them – good feelings, not injurious ones, on a generic first name basis nonetheless) this Laura that I write about could be any "Laura" on planet earth. Even if I happen to use a place descriptor, like say a mall or a gym or a movie theater, or a haunted house, or a McDonald's drive thru window, there are a multitude of such places in the world, making it nearly impossible for anyone to decipher which Laura I happened to see or in which of the various haunted houses, etc in the world I saw her in, okay? Again this is not harassment because it is not specific direct contact of any sort with "Laura"... I could be referring to Laura Schlessinger, Laura Croft from Tomb Raider (ANGELINA JOLIE, MMMM, MMMM, MMMM YOU LOOKED GOOD IN DAT DERE MOVIE) or Laura the bridesmaid of Kate Middleton at her upcoming wedding – who the heck can decrypt this conundrum on a first name basis only? Certainly not even Sherlock Holmes, my dear Watson! Just hypothetically, if a certain "Laura" were threatened just by the mention of her name in me little old blog of yore, unless she/he can prove I caused physical harm, invaded her personal space or proved to be an obstacle to living her life, her accusation would be tantamount to me saying Im harassed by large mobs of Dallas Cowboys fans chanting "Tony, Tony, Tony". The implausibility of me proving that this aforementioned large mob was referring to me specifically, and that this large mob was intending to harass and hurt me would be understated in any conceivable case. (How would anyone listening know anything specific at all about me in that regard?) Emotional harm would not be a viable option in either case – Im neither making direct contact or harming "Laura" in anway....all Im doing is writing about her in a non violent, amiable fond manner. Is that a crime? Isnt free speech a right guaranteed to all Americans? Arent you and I patriots, harassment alleger? Lastly, due to my mental fatigue and anguish at having to write this, harassment would be coerced or forced or foisted upon the victim right? And that leads me to the next probing soul searching question – how did you stumble upon me old blog, harassment alleger? This blog is only for THE MILLIONS.....AND MILLIONS....OF JESUSMETAPHOR FANS!!! (ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY – IF YOU SMELL-ALLLALLLAAALLLA-LEEEEELLL WHAT THE ROCK/JESUSMETAPHOR....IS....COOOKING) So if "Laura" doesn't want to know of me writing something loving about her, then instead of resorting to claims of harassment – just don't read the blog! I didn't tell you to read it, I never even told you about the blog, or even talk to you at all for that matter! YOU AND I DON'T EVEN COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER....Sheesh! Leave thejesusmetaphor be so he can write poems for all my party peoples – THE MILLIONS, AND MILLIONS OF TWITTER FANS!!! (LADY GAGA I WANT TO HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS AS YOU BABYGIRL!) Let this case of slander and libel be thrown out!!! FREE THEJESUSMETAPHOR I gotta be true to my expressive self and write when I feel lead to write yo! IM JUST DOING WHAT TAYLOR SWIFT, AND USHER, AND BIEBER DO – WRITE!!! And man, this girl Laura has been blowing my mind for a while now! HAVE AT IT!!!!!

Laura, I Failed You As A Desert Bride

(photo from

dedicated to a girl I had strong feelings for, but never had the courage to pursue. I live with this regret forever.

-----------/Laura I Stumbled In The Wilderness, And I Lost Sight Of You

I was your bride you were my husband
I was supposed to run after you in the desert
of the unknown
and trusting of your leading in the wilderness they call
love – a land not sown, a land, that if not navigated properly
hearts die, of starvation (no sacrifice, compassion), or
of thirst (no sincerity). Whenever I saw you, and we made eye contact
(at the various ministry events in the city)
I could surmise without equivocating.....
your firstfruit, the one you wanted most
[your countenance betrayed this though
your words attempted to belie our mutual attraction: masked
in professionalism]
and if anyone hurt me, I just knew
you would make it disastrous for them
but I strayed from you, spurned your firm hand
and followed after worthless idols, people who only
crushed my spirit in the end
and because they vilified me, I vilified myself
heaped blame upon blame on my self esteem
until I became worthless myself
you were so good for me, why didn’t I just ask you out?
for the brief fleeting moments I spoke to you
your beauty illumined my path
led me through the barren wilderness,
of obscurity and gave me clarity (I knew you would love
me like I had prayed for)
through a land of deserts and ravines,
a land of drought and utter darkness: singleness
without a spouse to call my own crying at night
feeling unwanted in a land where it seems no one travels
and no one lives (everyone in DC seems spoken for)
and you brought me into a fertile land of true romance
to eat its fruit and rich produce, the kiss of your lips
the gaze of your bedazzling eyes.
But, Laura, baby I never enjoyed that the way you intented
instead I defiled your acquaintance
by not giving you a chance and made your inheritance for me
pursuing interests that were physically appealing to me
but not nearly as substantive as you
not worth falling in love with like you

(for being a bad wife)

--------------Jeremiah 2: 1-8
The word of the LORD came to me: Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem:
"his is what the LORD says:
" remember the devotion of your youth,
how as a bride you loved me
and followed me through the wilderness,
through a land not sown.
Israel was holy to the LORD,
the firstfruits of his harvest;
all who devoured her were held guilty,
and disaster overtook them,'"
declares the LORD.
Hear the word of the LORD, you descendants of Jacob,
all you clans of Israel.
This is what the LORD says:
“What fault did your ancestors find in me,
that they strayed so far from me?
They followed worthless idols
and became worthless themselves.
They did not ask, ‘Where is the LORD,
who brought us up out of Egypt
and led us through the barren wilderness,
through a land of deserts and ravines,
a land of drought and utter darkness,
a land where no one travels and no one lives?’
I brought you into a fertile land
to eat its fruit and rich produce.
But you came and defiled my land
and made my inheritance detestable.
The priests did not ask,
'Where is the LORD?'
Those who deal with the law did not know me;
the leaders rebelled against me.
The prophets prophesied by Baal,
following worthless idols.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Sign

*dedicated to DMX, Lord Give Me A Sign
* dedicated to the Prophet Isaiah

-----A Sign; The Prophet Isaiah's Thoughts Before Speaking With Ahaz [These are MY Christmas Carols Pt 2]

Women, men jaded by this threadbare earth
duty bereft of love; and no promise
inundated with treacherous politics
by our leaders
dishonest dealings in the marketplace
by merchants
unjust claims on land that obligate our young men
to fight unjust wars (sometimes just), and if not dismemberment
slaves and handmaidens accrued on their return home
that do not share Jewish customs or passion for our God
by our military generals and
priests who accept bribes before offering sacrifice
for men that deserve exile not reconstituted communion
with our sons and daughters because they were the ones defiled
by touching idols and mingling with pagan traders
having an unwieldy influence on the future generations we pray
will still have some modicum of dignity long after we're
and when will it end? we ask ourselves each afternoon
as we find ourselves laden in the cyclical constant unremitting
phases of existence pleading
for restitution for all this spoiled time between (and during)
crises that threaten our culture, livelihood, identity and joy
that times of refreshing would come
that anew we can begin to rebuild our nation, our humanity
without regard for race, religion, creed, or screed for that matter,
but united in love
and finding our creative voice
lit candles flickering in the gentle winds of peace and contentment
watching our children playing in front of mountains
with the lion
with the adder....
and what will be the sign of the possibility of the improbable
the inconceivable abolition of all our evils, worries and fears – the advent
of our promised paradise, refuge from this Gehinnom on earth?
A virgin womb pregnant
with hope for a better world everlasting
(a child inside with a mandate from heaven
and power and compassion
to persuade all men everywhere to abandon cruelty
in their hearts before it takes hold of them
before they raise a finger to their neighbor)
even while she fears what this all means
though she is beset by a culture entrenched in death
indifferent to birth, intent only on dying

-----------------------/Isaiah 7:10-20
Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, "Ask a sign of the LORD your God; let it be deep as Sheol or high as heaven." But Ahaz said, "I will not ask, and I will not put the LORD to the test." And he said, "Hear then, O house of David! Is it too little for you to weary men, that you weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. He shall eat curds and honey when he knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good. For before the boy knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land whose two kings you dread will be deserted. The LORD will bring upon you and upon your people and upon your father’s house such days as have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah—the king of Assyria." In that day the LORD will whistle for the fly that is at the end of the streams of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. And they will all come and settle in the steep ravines, and in the clefts of the rocks, and on all the thornbushes, and on all the pastures. In that day the Lord will shave with a razor that is hired beyond the River—with the king of Assyria—the head and the hair of the feet, and it will sweep away the beard also.

-----DMX - Lord Give Me A Sign Lyrics

In the name of Jesus
(thats right)
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
And every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn
(Lord give me a sign)
For this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

[Verse 1]
Lord Give me a Sign!
I really need to talk to you Lord
Since the last time we talked the walk has been hard
Now I know you havent left me
But I feel like I'm alone
Im a big boy now but I'm still not grown
And Im still goin threw it
Pain and the hurt
Soaking up trouble like rain in the dirt
And I know!
Only I can stop the rain
Wit just the mention of my saviors name
Devil I rebuke you for what I go threw
And tryin make me do what I used to
But all that stops right here
As long as the Lords in my life I will have no fear
I will know no pain from the light to the dark
I will show no shame spit it right from the heart
Cuz its right from the start
But you held me down
And Aaint nothin they can tell me now
Lord give me a sign!

Let me know whats on your mind
Let me know what I'm gone find
Its all the time
Show me how to teach the mind
Show me how to reach the blind
Lord give me a sign!

Show me what I gots to do
To bring me closer to you
Cuz I'm gonna go through
What ever you want me to
Just let me know what to do
Lord give me a sign!

[Verse 2:]
Please show me sometin
Im tired of talkin to him
Knowin he frontin
Cryin bout life aint nuttin
But you either be the one mad cuz you trapped, or the one huntin
Trapped in your own mind waitin on the Lord
Or huntin wit the word that cuts like a sword
The spoken word is stronger than the strongest man
Carries the whole world like the strongest hand
Through the trials and tribulations you neva let us down
I know your here with us now
I know your still wit us now
Keep it real wit us now
I wanna feel show me how
Let me take your hand, guide me
Ill walk slow but stay right beside me
Devil's tryna find me
Hide me, hold up I take that back
Protect me and give me the strength to fight back!

Let me know whats on your mind
Let me know what I'm gone find
Its all the time
Show me how to teach the mind
Show me how to reach the blind
Lord give me a sign!

Show me what I gots to do
To bring me closer to you
Cuz I'm gonna go through
What ever you want me to
Just let me know what to do
Lord give me a sign!

[Verse 3:]
Life or death
Live or die
I will never live a lie
Im goin there cuz I try
I wont quit until I die
Im gone make it wrong or right
Make it through the darkest night
When the morning comes you'll see
All I have is God in me
(Lord give me a sign!)

No weapon formed against me shall prosper
For this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
In the name of jesus
Lord give me a sign

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Miley lets forget the haters - together!

Yo Miley, they say you be smoking weed, and they say....they say I be harassing people – *sigh* such is our plight - I just think we’re misunderstood, babes, mischaracterized as a naughty girl and bad boy. You were smoking Salvia, and I was just expressing myself hyperbolically know Im soooo EMO, riiiight? You know what? Lets be the Bonnie and Clyde of the Christian blogosphere and love each other brazenly (for just this one post?) and show the world how indomitable we are and that our spirits wont wilt due to adversity. Oh Miley, youre cool with me no matter what they say bout you nah mean? Party in the USA for reals!!!!. And yo, since birds of a feather flock together – lets love each other as rebels, rebelliously! Actually, seriously though, babes you are helping me cope with my scandal....just looking at your beautiful face and admiring your spunky verve are like an antidote to the poisonous slander lodged against me. OHHH MILEY, let me show you just what you mean to me – and if TMZ keeps harassing you – don’t feel spurned or jilted because you can find refuge in yer boy: thejesusmetaphor because he sho nuff can empathize! ALL TIME LOW, HELP ME SING IT!!! UHNNNNNN!!!!

Miley Cyrus, My Bronze Serpent

*dedicated to All Time Low, Jasey Raye
* dedicated to Miley Cyrus

--------------------/Miley Be My Bronze Serpent; Take Away The Poison, The Pain

Ive been traveling, almost 40 years it seems
looking for true love
at night, every night – it gets uncomfortably cold
and the sunrise
ushers in a menagerie of scorpions, jackals, lions and
blistering heat; (common pratfalls of the single man seeking)
defeating the Canaanites provides little solace
(fickle girls who never had my best intentions in mind)
because sand still stings my eyes
in the evenings when the harried wind gusts stir up
reminders of how dire the state of my lonely soul is in
unlike anything I ever experienced in Egypt
(my last relationship)
because there at least I had a bulwark against the sand
and food (some shoddy semblance hope) on my plate
even if the standard fare was rotted cow intestines and spoiled milk
replete with legions of flies and maggots
(that bit my fingers when I tried to put the meal in my mouth)
at least it was consistency
but now Im almost 30 years old traveling alongside
the red sea aimlessly
and this bitterness has suddenly become toxic
killing my emotions, as disparaging
as acrid snake bites that paralyze my limbs
...and my tongue is starting to swell inside my mouth
for lack of encouraging words to warm myself
before I close my tent (my rational mind) and fall asleep
Im dying
Im dying quickly
please be to me a fiery serpent, the antithesis
of all the lies and rejection, and persistent gossip that
I will die alone, (clutching myself because no one desires me)
brass lifted high in the air above all my chronic fears of never
getting married made of wool and flaccid flax
....all I would have to do is gaze into your beautiful eyes
that act as a balm to resuscitate breath
spur the beating of my heart again
and raise my belief in romance
back from certain demise
the desert wont be so bad – if you promise to stand
with me.
Just promise to hold me and never let go
and I promise to never complain again

----------Numbers 21:7-9
Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

----------Jasey Rae Lyrics (Acoustic Version, baby!)
Lights out,
I still hear the rain,
These images that fill my head,
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,
Tell my voice what it takes,
To speak up,
Speak up,
and keep my conscience clean when I wake.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

Now there's an aching in my back;
a stabbing pain that says I lack,
the common sense and confidence,
to bring an end to promises,
that I make in times of desperate conversation,
hoping my night could be better than theirs in the end.
Just say when.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

I've never told a lie,
and that makes me a liar,
I've never made a bet,
but we gamble with desire,
I've never lit a match,
with intent to start a fire,
but recently the flames,
are getting out of control.
Call me a name,
Kill me with words,
Forget about me,
It's what I deserve,
I was your chance,
to get out of this town,
but I ditched the car,
and left you to,

Wait outside,
I hope the air will serve to remind you,
that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath,
and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Restoration's Pleadings - MY Christmas Carols Yall! Pt. 1

*Dedicated to Nas, Still Dreaming

---------------------/Restoration's Pleadings: The Thoughts Of Simeon As He Raised Jesus In The Air [MY Christmas Carols! Pt 1]

men say they favor the advancement of peace
and linearly extol its supposed virtues
but in truth
and in practice everyone yearns for war
annihilation and separation – both of nemeses
and more profoundly (if one is keen to discern) themselves
because hatred is the weaker emotion
requiring less commitment, affects, and time to progress from remorse
to tolerance, with dignity and justifications often left intact
because laying flowers at a grave site will always be a less vigorous act
than laying flowers in a foe’s hand
though at this point the soul inside has already begun a slow conflagration
toward its sad terminus
a painless death, but a death nonetheless (preventable)
and because jealously, covetousness, mendacity and bitterness:
the coming to terms with one's own shortcomings
often results in a self-loathing that requires intense privacy
commensurate with the desire to leave the world
quickly – a desperate attempt to salvage sanity by giving up the ghost
and eschewing true reconciliation that one must make with himself
and with his neighbor to have any semblance of peace –
and to one day see God -
no matter how onerous this choice may be
so then one man interacting with another man
metastasizes into one nation interacting with another nation
with vituperation and duplicity
despising itself as much as its individual citizens despise themselves
(and each other)
razing buildings, enslaving families, burning sacred spaces
until the pursuit of life is so trivialized it is reduced to
mere acquisition (or its desire) of sex, conquest and massive greed
wherein spare time is only spent on erecting bastions
philosophically, strategically and spiritually for these selfsame "goals"
at the detriment of nobility, spiritual attunement, or mercy for all the point where I fear the world has become so blind
that each day its eminent extinction grows nearer and nearer.
And so sighing, I sit outside the temple each night,
leaning against its walls, staring at the moon
begging (before this old man dies)
for the opportunity to see redemption for this forsaken world
the restoration of just one man, even
that understands justice, equity, and true wisdom
that perhaps can plant a seed that if possible flowers
in this ruinous soil all lands and nations have become
(Israel included)
and grows into a second chance for us
for man to live the way he was supposed to live
and love the way he is supposed to love
even if it takes the loss of one's own life
because living wrongly is not living at all
someone to show the world in truth
that ideals trump pragmatics
earnest effort and honesty trump sloth and lies
and righteousness trumps wickedness
then everyone else will follow

-------------Luke 2:25-32
Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel."

-----------Still Dreaming Lyrics

Sample + (Kanye West)]
Some people (Yeah)
Some people (unh-unh)
Some people really are
Still dreaming (And as the sun sets
and the night falls)
They are still dreaming (and them hoes call)

[Verse 1: Kane West]
He pulled up at 6:30 in his 745
As he wavin' his shorty hi, you know he showin' his bling out
She got in the car, he drove, he pulled his thing out
His girl call, feelin' she mad, she threw the ring out
How she found out, she dreamt the whole thing out
Y'all be goin' through problems you gotta work the kinks out
When you go to sleep, what do you think 'bout?
If y'all get a divorce she gon' take everything except the kitchen sink out
Make it so cold that you gotta pull ya mink out
Or grab ya roller skates and, turn a roller rink out
You now back up in the club, in the club, tryna min-gle
Meanwhile, she out, doin' the same thing now
Nightmares from your dream gal make ya scream out

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]
Some people really (still dreamin')
Some people really (make ya scream out)
Some people really are (still)
Still dreaming (st-still dreamin')
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)
They are still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)

Some people really
Some people really
Some people really are

[Verse 2: Nas]
How you a man waitin' for the next man to get rich?
Yo' plan is to stick out yo' hand real quick
So if he feed ya family and he serve you *
Then he need that* you get and he deserve your *
Since you wishin' cash fall from the sky all ya life
Dwellin' on the past when you was alright
When you was gettin' cash but wasn't too bright
Now ya luck down you feel like, bustin' them shells
Nobody owe you, can't do nothin' for self
Want n* to show you, how to come up wit' green
I scheme since I'm fourteens, what the * was your dream?
Rental cars, little broads, sayin' you was seen
Wit' little n* wit' a chain you was doin' ya thing
How high was I? You the thousandth guy
That came around thinkin' we can see, eye to eye
We on a different echelon, coulda got bread together
Now you gets deaded on

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]
Some people really (so keep dreamin')
Some people really
Some people really are (still dreamin')
Still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true) (still dreamin')
They are still dreaming
(O-o-o-o-one two one two
Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true) (still dreamin')

Some people really
Some people really
Some people really are

[Verse 3: Nas]
She had several cars, she had credit cards, a castle
Large master bathroom, gettin' a pedicure
Belaney by the glassful, said she been meanin' to ask who
Would need a cash rule, who could blast tools
And I'm eatin' cashews, knew she was bad news
But we mad cool, nothin' sexual 'cause I knew her since high school
Grew up wit' my dudes, like one of my crews
She worked for Fox News
One of her mans that she lent her drop to
Won't come back wit' it so she want him clapped in it
Says it's important that it looks like an accident
She was snortin' and her eyes had bags in it
Sheets was recordin had a wire, askin' *
Four days before I came by she got bagged wit' bricks
Crossed the line from her world of news castin'
To a world of entrapment, a good girl gone backwards
Still dreamin'

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]

[Sample of "They are still dreaming" to end]

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Toast To My Accuser

Dedicated to Kanye West, Runaway
Dedicated to Jesus Christ

(before you read this just you just gotta dance by yourself with a glass raised head tilted towards the starlit close your eyes and drink.....)

Ive been up for the past few nights poring over your accusations against me, and admittedly its eating me up inside. I can barely eat without losing myself in thought and becoming detached from reality. I cant believe this is happening to me, but ironically I expect this. In the creative arts there is always an allowance for creative differences or dislike of the art, yet I am astounded at the acrimonious nature of these claims and the gravity of the penalty. All I have ever wanted to do is share the talent and the soul that God gave me in order to bring light to the scriptures in the Bible (John 16:29 His disciples said, "Look, now you are speaking plainly and not in metaphors!" – hence thejesusmetaphor – wooooo!) whether it be through existential moments of life in the skin of Biblical characters or using the Bible as a prism for my myriad emotions, which entail everything from love, lust, anger, joy, worship, humor, etc. In short, I only write to express myself – not to make veiled threats, explicit threats or to intentionally harm anyone. If anyone is hurt, it is me and if Im trying to break someone, Im trying to break myself. With over 300 posts, I hardly think you alone are any target of harassment or anything of that nature. You are just one thread in the larger tapestry of my poetic life – and I am offended you would suggest anything less.

What do you want from me? Why do people fall in love (not you specifically okay? Just a general question) Why do men write things about girls that steal their breath away? Its natural, its unavoidable and its visceral, not menacing or frightening or scary. If I feel a surge of emotion no matter how often or not, I try to find a way to transcribe it- simply put nothing else. Am I harassing celebrities too? Am I harassing Biblical characters because I write about them? Am I harassing Jesus? If you want to fault me – fault me for falling for you and developing a crush on you okay?

But I know – that doesn't matter to you. You want to demonize me and this blog, though such attempts will certainly falter....I will never stop writing and creating poetry – whether on this blog or in my soul, so I apologize for your imminent failure in that regard. I will keep writing about whatever comes to my mind okay? I need this, this is all I have at the end of the day – and I will not let you wrest it from me. Who's harassing who now? Your accusations are harassing me now - and I cant elude them.

But you know, Jesus was misunderstood as well. He journeyed from village to village pouring out his soul to help people before they wrongly accused him of evil. Resultantly, understandably pained, he only spoke to them in parables so they wouldn't understand what he said. And Kanye, sure what he did at the MTV awards was misunderstood and perhaps abrasively done but should he rot in hell forever? Should he be castigated henceforth and forevermore?

I get think Im some sort of predator and you want me eradicated from this world huh? Look at you, that's what I keep telling myself as I look in the mirror. Do I want my kids to say Dad was once accused of sexual harassment - but I guess its too late huh? What did I do to evoke your ire? Is it my fervor of emotion because I had such a large crush on you for that time? Will I be the only man to ever feel this way for you from now on? Will they be harassing you for having these feelings too? Are you singling me out because Im a writer? Isnt a writer burdened by pent up feelings, isn't he/she constrained to write? I haven’t talked to you in eons, nor made any contact with you....all Ive been doing is writing in this "God-forsaken blog" in your eyes.

I guess that makes me a douchebag. I have a plan okay? Maybe pretend I don't exist, don’t read my blog – no one forces you to be on here (I don't coerce your viewing or notify you of updates). Maybe, just runaway from even the thought of me.

Maybe Im a douchebag, have a toast for me. And if Im not good at writing, and if my writing scares you into thinking I want to hurt you, then I apologize cause I am not trying to hurt anyone okay? I just want to write – about celebrities, about real people, about Obama, about Blake Lively, about the Apostle Peter, Paul, Prophet Jeremiah, etc okay?

Is that okay? Or do you just want me to runaway? Just runaway?

Where do you want me to go? Im sorry that I want to fall in love so badly okay? Im sorry I am such a hopeless romantic that I over exaggerate on mundane experiences with strong romantic language.

This sort of makes me distrust women – but no, I will never stop longingly, desperately, wanting to find my wife.

And nor will I stop wanting to translate my everyday experiences into Biblical metaphors. I am thejesusmetaphor – after all, and have been so for almost 10 years. Why should I stop now?

Have a toast for me, and all the pain Im going through right now. May the alcohol anesthetize all the hurt you want to happen to me for being such a douchebag....
Proverbs 31:6-7
Give strong drink to him who is perishing,
And wine to him whose life is bitter.
Let him drink and forget his poverty
And remember his trouble no more.

Come on Kanye, lets have a toast, dawg. I mean, how do you even know Im writing about you and not someone else with your name? Ahhhh forget it.....

-----------------------//RUNAWAY LYRICS
Look at ya
Look at ya
Look at ya
Look at ya
Look at ya

And I always find, yeah, I always find something wrong
You been puttin' up wit' my * just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast

Let's have a toast for the douche-bags,
Let's have a toast for the *holes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the j*
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

She find pictures in my email
I sent this girl a picture of my *
I don't know what it is with females
But I'm not too good at that, *
See, I could have me a good girl
And still be addicted to them hoodrats
And I just blame everything on you
At least you know that's what I'm good at

And I always find, yeah, I always find
yeah, I always find something wrong
You been puttin' up wit' my * just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
Let's have a toast for the douche-bags,
Let's have a toast for the *holes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the j*
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Runaway from it baby.....
runaway from me baby
Run away........
(now if starts to gets crazy)...just run away
(baby i gotta plan)...runaway as fast as you can
runaway from it baby
runaway from me baby
(now if starts to get crazy) why cant she just run away
(baby I got a plan)…. just run away fast as you can

24/7, 365, * stays on my mind
I-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit it
Now pick your next move, you could leave or live wit' it
Ichabod Crane with that * top off
Split and go where? Back to wearin' knockoffs, hah
Knock it off, Neiman's, shop it off
Let's talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off
hoes like vultures wanna fly in your Freddy loafers
You can't blame 'em, they ain't never seen Versace sofas
Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet
Comes with a price tag, baby, face it
You should leave if you can't accept the basics
Plenty hoes in the baller-nigger matrix
Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless
I'm just young, rich, and tasteless

was never much of a romantic
I could never take the intimacy
And i know it did damage
Plus the look in your eyes is killing me
I guess you have an advantage
You could blame me for everything
And i dont know what im'a manage
If one day you just up and leave

And I always find
Oh and i alway find..
and i always find..
yeah i always find something wrong
You been puttin' up with my * just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast

I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
Let's have a toast for the douche-bags,
Let's have a toast for the *holes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the j*
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Me and Jay-Z See Eye to Eye (Blake Lively, I Got You Next Post, Boo)

Man yall, all I want to do is spill my feelings in the air, ya hurd?

Why people trying to censure me dawg? They trying to say yer boy thejesusmetaphor is some sort of predator

AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, come on now! All Im doing is sharing my feelings on an array of topics using the Scrips (the Bible)

If I like someone, cant I write about it? Isnt that what all writers and singers do? Aint nobody trying to hurt or harass nobody okay? Get over it....thejesusmetaphor is just expressing himself okay?

This is a people's movement, why you want to silence the kid? All I want is love. I aint trying to hurt nobody and nobody is gonna make me stop writing.

You want to know my achilles heel is LOOOOOOOVEEEEEE I DONT GET ENOUGH OF IT






Blake Lively There Is No Greater Love Prophet (Than You)

---------------------/Blake Lively, There Is No Greater Love Prophet (I Love You Baby)

Blake, baby
When I walked out into the wilderness (rather than sunny grasslands)
frigid air biting my ears, fingertips and toes
wind forcing me to squint my eyes
basked in a thick white luminescent beam from the moon
crouching with my elbows on my knees
hands pressed together thumbs against my lips
all I saw was a flaccid reed (your attempts to impress me)
not a vivid violet undulating wildly
unable to register even the slightest resistance and
stand tall in pride. Hawks circled overhead anxiously
pathetic weak and disappointing
and for the first time in my life I felt dismally alone
needlessly trying to wipe tears that were absolutely inexorable
I expected your manifestation to be a pageant of pulchritude and majesty
with flashy women dancers and aerial male swordsman
(expensive trips to Hollywood and Hawaiian beaches)
landing with flowers cut from tree branches
to be used as garnishments on the plates of food you prepared
for us to eat (on seats of cedar, tables of gold)
as we stare into each others faces, souls, longingly
not a man dressed in camel's hair
audaciously heralding that the unceremonious advent of the love of my life
is a son of a carpenter, and not a son of a king
eating wild locusts and not lamb
adjuring me to prepare and renounce all my former
dreams of holding you in my own way, look with incredulity
on all my former insights into romantic bliss
beseeching me
to submerge my limited capacity for accepting your grace
your lips
beneath the river Jordan, to emerge with a cleansed conscience
which I flat out rejected
ahhhh, what am I trying to say? awww girl....
Im sorry I was bedazzled by the wrong things
and traversed into a set of presumptions that blinded me
into seeing your compassion for me as a wilderness of foolishness
-plain and bland-
that made me into a Pharisee
you accentuated your beauty with the camel’s hair of nobility
(which is better than cheap make-up)
and ate locusts of humility just to prove you cared
not about my carnal gratification or the Emmys, but my spirit
and the overmatched reed in the wind
was just your talisman symbolizing your loyalty to me
despite any temptations and adversity
and the son of the carpenter your proclaimed was pure genuineness
intended to banish the superficial notions of a licentious king
that I brought with me to Jordan River of
opportunity you gave me to get to know you as you truly are
I now know my error, and that there are many lesser idiots than me
but truly, among those born of women
there is not a greater Lover
than you

(Forgive me guuuurrrrllllllll)

----------Luke 7:24-29
When the messengers of John had departed, He began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed those who are gorgeously appareled and live in luxury are in kings’ courts. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written:
' Behold, I send My messenger before Your face,
Who will prepare Your way before You.'
For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." And when all the people heard Him, even the tax collectors justified God, having been baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not Common

The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And a voice came to him, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean." And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common." This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again. (Acts 10:9-16)

-------------------Acts Chronicles Ch. 10: Not Common (Unholy Bow) - Peter's Thoughts As Cornelius Fell at His Feet To Worship Him

There are so many things I want to say to you
firstly about moods and fickle temperaments
then about bias and blind animus
shallow and baseless catalysts
and untenable justifications for you
and I
to draw our swords and have them drink blood
and splay flesh
and may the victor drink copious bottles of wine in celebration
reveling with fawning women (bedecked in jewels
accentuated beauty with alluring eye shadow)
ingratiating men veiling their jealousy
just momentarily
while they jockey for the most advantageous position
to succeed you when youre gone
advanced in years or claimed by a coup (staged right under your nose)
....and this cycle never ends....but I digress
you eat and you pray for peace before you sleep
and guard your son like he's irreplaceable
and appraise your daughter infinitely more valuable
than any of King Solomon's heirlooms
just like fear death, or at worst the dissolution of your
entire nationality
like we all do. Me at synagogue and you at the temple (at least initially)
feign piety in front of our families – yet privately yearn to know
what God is really like, and if He exists to just speak
even if ever so softly
while post ceremonies we snarl at each other from afar
or snicker at the suggestion of class exuded by the other
only perpetuating what we were taught
from carnal elders and parents of our respective wayward traditions
that aggressively safeguarded it
but that way of thinking is so crass promulgated by a dialectic
of blind hate....of
brazen ignorance and willful lack of knowledge
and I hope that by now we've matured enough
(or at least I know I have)
to see the fragility in ourselves just as we see it
in humanity
ephemeral, sad, lonely, insecure animals
who need to be loved as often as we love kissed as often as we dare to kiss
and who need to be assured that what prevents our unity
(which cordons our two worlds of value)
stands as a decrepit old man hiding beneath a soldier's cloak
paranoid of us calling his bluff
is only that which we give credence to
and let fall from the sky
like a great sheet bound at the four corners,
with all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts,
creeping things, and birds of the air
the notion that we can label and judge everyone but ourselves
as unclean
that straightway needs to be jerked right down from the sky
ripped, torn asunder and every caricature killed and eaten
swallowed along with our pride
because everything that engenders strife
endangers the long term existence of our dignity as a species
and threatens our extinction (remembered after only as barbarians)
making you bow unnecessarily before me
as though we are not equals

(as though you were common)

And the following day they entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter lifted him up, saying, "Stand up; I myself am also a man." And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who had come together. Then he said to them, "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me?" So Cornelius said, "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God. Send therefore to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you.' So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God."." (vs 24-33)

Monday, December 6, 2010

To My Demons : You Can No Longer Stay

---------------------/Exorcism Diaries Ch.3: To My Demons: The Thoughts Of The Man Possessed By Legion As He Bows Down To Jesus

For too long I have walked naked
for you - afflicted
sojourning in graveyards seeking silence
from the chatter and balderdash
shrills and wailing that besieged me; rarely a moment's
children, men, crowds, animals howling simultaneously terrorizing
my thoughts, swords clashing, the chilling sound of tumult
blood splattering, limbs severed men laughing hysterically, crying and yelling
fleeing from wolves and ravens in lustful, unremitting pursuit of macabre
death, the sounds of whole cities ransacked in war, catapults:
owls and mules, the crescendo of hissing vipers approaching
then retreating cyclically....
walking away from the woman I loved, my paradise
in flesh, I still remember the soft touch of her lips (when near the tombs)
the family that raised and inculcated me
with a sound and reasonable outlook on life and convictions
about virtue and ethical bearings that I have since
jettisoned (along with my clothes and sanity)
driven away by my madness - and your overbearing command:
(to live a harsh life and give up the ghost alone and frail)
and for your cruel, corrupting, sinister insidious counsel
the empire has had no choice but to fasten chains
and keep watch over an eccentric,
(but maybe worse) - a "man" who snarls at his neighbor
and vociferously reiterates the cataclysmic theater that has become
his soul
spitting at Roman senators, punching elderly men and women
then mocking slaves
chasing little girls, hurling epithets at their parents in the synagogues
pelting sheep, horses, oxen with stones before gleefully running away
slicing himself with these selfsame stones
and when finally apprehended....foaming at the mouth.
to all that question and ask my name, my motives
all I can muster is Legion
because I've forgotten my real name, my idenity
and any inkling of the beauty of my past amidst this ugliness
because my problems are too multitudinous for nomenclature
because I am sick of sleeping in the desert
always worried about warding off wild beasts
and whether the next locust I seek to eat will be a scorpion
leave me alone, please....I bow
before the last Vestige of Hope that I have
and with the last iota of self-will left in me
curse you
to go back to the swine from whence you came and drown in the sea
for all I care (I cant be tormented any worse than I already have)
just give me back the life you've stolen
so I can finally begin to make amends
for the evil you've wrought

---Luke 8:26-39------------/
Then they sailed to the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee. When Jesus had stepped out on land, there met him a man from the city who had demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and he had not lived in a house but among the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me." For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many a time it had seized him. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert.) Jesus then asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion," for many demons had entered him. And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them permission. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. And those who had seen it told them how the demon-possessed man had been healed. Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes asked him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned. The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mr. Tony Goes To Washington (Watch Out Tea Party!!!!)

[The Setting: The House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol. The wooden seats, arranged in semi-circle fashion are all filled, with a menagerie of peoples; - Military brass, elected officials, invited guests of said officials, etc engage in idle chatter, courtesy and exchange pleasantries patiently, but eagerly await President Obama's message on matters of economy, healthcare and the world at large. The Tea Party is conspicuously effervescent on the heels of their dramatic victories in congress and the senate and are somewhat more confident and self assured than the rest of those gathered, the tones of their voices and their vigorous demeanor and sentiments rise above the crowd like an eagle ascending in the air. On the ground level of the chamber, blue carpeted walkways/aisles emblazoned with the signature White House insignia splinter the rows of chairs into triangular clusters. In the balcony, the seats are arranged more as a indistinct mass and the crowd behaves slightly less formally than those on the ground as they are not in direct view of the network TV cameras. At ground level in front of the rows of chairs the speaker's podium stands atop a separate two tiered seating section set against a backdrop of a large American flag, and buttressed on its bottom layer by a long wooden semi-octagonal desk from which sit the more prominent members of the convocation. Directly ahead of the flag sit the speaker of the house on the right of the podium and the vice president on the left. A vacant seat lay oddly next to the podium, seemingly affixed to it. Surveying the room, the walls on its perimeter are adorned with various portraits of historic world leaders. Vivid bright lights illuminate the room and all is hushed as the President's arrival is heralded by a designated announcer.]

[To loud applause Obama walks in the room followed by Tony Conti. Much ado is made in the media about the identity of Tony and his exact reason for accompanying the President to the podium. Bill O'Reilly and Russ Limbaugh jeer incredulously on Fox News. People shake Obama's hand, some gladly, some reluctantly but everyone uniformly rejects shaking Tony Conti's hand. Obama sits down while Tony takes to the podium.]

Tony Conti: Hear ye, Hear ye everybody!

[Muffled and then clamorous chatter can be heard in the chamber, as mass confusion begins to diffuse throughout the room]

Tony Conti: Man yall, I said HEAR YE! HEAR YE!

[The murmurings and chatter remain robust]

Tony Conti: Alright yall, don't make a brotha come down there and open a can of whoop a.....

[President Obama issues Tony a pointed glance of disapproval of his actions]

Tony Conti: .....ahem! Nevermind that, just listen up yall LISTEN UUUUPPPPPP!!!!!

[The crowd noise softens and eventually desists as everyone's curiosity intensifies about the message Tony has to proclaim]

Tony Conti: Alright yall, ALLLLRIIGGGHTT! Ya knooowww???!!!

[The crowd looks on, mystified]

Tony Conti: How yall folks doing tonaaaattee? Ha ha, I meant tonight, just with a ghetto slang of course!, ha ha!! yesh, yesh yesh yesh!!! laughs. Okay yall, look, my man Obama got injured in a basketball game and the brotha needed some stitches alright? He was faking the funk....on a nasty North and South Korean dunk and some sucka fool sucka fouled that man! FLAGRANTLY, I MIGHT ADD!! Anyhoo I just figure I should protect and serve my commander in chief by coming up here in front of yall and delivering his message! uuhhh huhhhh, uhhhh huuuhhhhhh!

[Tony starts doing the dougie. The crowd becomes unsettled again with a mixture of jeering, laughs and bemoaning.]

Tony Conti: mann, hear ye, hear ye! Like I said, the man needs to save his lips for kissing Michelle! OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo

[Tony begings to hum Lets Get It On by Marvin Gaye and winks at Michelle Obama, who looks surprised, embarrassed, humored and then jaundiced by Tony's innuendo about her love life with the president. She points at him in a gesture to make sure he stays on topic]

Tony Conti: okay, my bad girl....MY BAAAADDDDD!!!! Okay lets get down to the skinny! Get it Michelle, you know you is trying to make da kids skinny? Anyway....heres what I came to say!!! Listen up baby becuz....TEA PARTY, WE COMING FOR YOU 2012 BABY! OKAY????

[Congressman Joe Wilson stands]

Joe Wilson: YOU LIE!!!!!

[Tony and Obama look at each other and smirk]

Tony Conti: Nah bruh, Im telling the truth dawg!!! I got a message for all you Tea Party patriots!!!

[The members of the Tea Party in the audience stand up in an astonishing display of power and solidarity for one another]

Tony Conti (surprised and a bit nervous): WOOOAHH WOOOOOAHHH WOOOOAHHH folks! Now don't get all UFC on a brotha (Dana White where you at???), ha ha, I just wanted to tell you firstly, THAT SARAH PALIN IS SO HOT!!! (good googa mooga!) And Bristol aint too bad either.....but secondly, I want to mention to yall silly cats that yall need to read my blog mane. Its okay? I got a little poem written for yall folks about what I feel yall need to focus on! Yall needs to have a heart son, stop being so rule based and principal based and focus on the effects your policies have on working people! Yall needs to ask yall-selves WWSD, what would Santa do???? Be a little nicer to us people who need niceities!!!!

[An anonymous member of the Tea Party throws a tomato at Tony, and it splatters over the front of his shirt]

Tony Conti (incensed): W-WW—WHHAAAATTTTT????? Oh yall done started something now! Lets get him Obama!!!!

[Tony and President Obama get up and run towards the section of the chamber the Tea Party occupies while rolling up their sleeves. The Tea Party members charge towards Obama and Tony, some of them jumping over seats and pushing little old ladies. Vice President Biden grabs the microphone and pleads for orderly and respectful conduct. In the ensuing melee John Boehner gets out of his seat and runs manically towards Tony ready to show him who the real boss is.]

John Boehner (with a sinister gleam in his eye and deranged violent smile): Out of the way guys, let me at Tony Conti, I'll get that piece of chicken crap!!!!!!



*dedicated to the millions who need unemployment benefits reinstated for Christmas
*dedicated to the immigrants in this country who need to be treated humanely in the process of achieving citizenship

--------------/Gleanings: The Thoughts Of A Homeless Man Living In Israel Under Mosaic Law

In Egypt they said
starving men often died with their eyes open
their last breath spent waiting for relief
a redress
watching for any hint of sympathy from their taskmasters
rats crawling on cadavers often left to rot
with no proper burial and nothing to attenuate the stench
of the grievous lack of human compassion
indifferent to the decomposition of a man's hopes, dreams
and his potential
dried blood was the only burial marker his family ever saw
memorials of flowing tears a makeshift séance
the sole anchor to reality in the passing years
to authenticate his existence and prove the unremitting heavy sadness
wasn't a psychosis (collectively experienced)
or mental oppressive tactic hammered down from Pharaoh
derivative of a philosophy of devaluing a race, a nation of proud people
assessing them as means of production
and deficit reduction, necessary evils of class status,
servants to the aristocracy
and these are the tales that keep me up at night
staring at the glowing clouds buffeting the moon
from view
attempting to muster enough strength to reprimand
the tears that well up inside me
singing Moses' song of praise:
(The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice; a
God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He)
recalling how the poor were delivered from their oppressors
evil, unjust, callous
by way of mighty miracles and curses on the cruel
and I pray each morning for just one more chance
each day for sympathy of the harvest
fallen fruit
gleanings of grace
tenderness in travails
reaching in remorse
solace for those slinking in the shadows suffering in shame
help for the hungry
welfare from the wealthy
love for the languishing
kindness for those killed in spirit
pittance from those in power
so that I can die with my eyes closed

(one day)

"Now when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. Nor shall you glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger. I am the LORD your God." (Leviticus 19:9-10)

If you see the donkey of him who hates you fallen down under his burden, don't leave him, you shall surely help him with it. (Exodus 23:5)

"For the poor will never cease out of the land; therefore I command you, You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in the land." (Deuteronomy 15:11)

"And if a stranger sojourn with you in your land, you shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwells with you shall be as one born among you, and you shall love him as thyself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: 'I am the Lord your God.'" (Leviticus 19:33-34)