Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer is Dead: Part Two

"The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved." (Jeremiah 8:20)

*dedicated to J*** **o*

-------------------/Summer is dead, part two, *J*

Summer is dead because we're not together
and so
let the air turn frigid, summer breezes turn to chill
heavy snowfalls of my most bitter regret
bury me in self loathing
and the hypothermia of a jilted man
require amputation of all my emotions for you
(its the only chance I have to survive)
may the hollow nighttime gales sing a requiem
for my attempt to woo you
listing all the things Ive done wrong to earn your rebuff
it is too late for harvest now
the time for my salvation has passed
When I wanted you in July
I envisioned spring love
But forever more, as long as I remember your face
in my dreams
seasons wont change
there will be no more tulips
no dandelions, or daffodils, or spring rains or
resplendent pastels of leaves in various hue
falling from trees while children are filled with mirth
no more of me staring at you while youre not looking
(in the mirror while I do sit-ups)
no more jibberish in your presence as I try to gin up conversation
just to be near you for a few moments
and stare at you some more
because now these convivial events are deceased
and though I wont speak ill of them
I will admit they have left a scar
as broad as the Siberian plains
....yeah that's what the rest of August will be like
Without you
in perpetuity

(You and your boyfriend should get married! At least then I'll have the comforting thought of you happy....though my heart will have frozen to death by then. All this time I thought I was alive, seeing you every week, but in actuality I was slowly dying....because knowing you and not being able to have you is like being shot with a quiver of poison tipped arrows...cringing in agony. OH BITTER SUMMER, PLEASE DIE....PLEASE DIE!!!!)

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