Thursday, July 8, 2010

Genesis 2:18 - dedicated to *J*

And this loneliness has reached an apex
Its cutting, I can hardly move
I feel this dry, cracked dirt – parched land, burning
drought- inducing thirst, deep and wide
inside of me
and it must be quenched or
I feel like I just cant go on
I need someone beside me to share my thoughts
someone to stare into my eyes
and kiss my lips flooding my heart with peace
and contentment
I need a language, and laughter, and music
and family
because being alone is like the Sun
scorching my resolve unprotected and bare
(somewhere outside this Garden)
life is wearisome
and disjointed because everything else around me
cant comprehend how destitute I feel
without a mate
or veritable desires...all is mitigated without you
I cant feel, I cant emote
I have no soul
scorned by all the animals who watch me
watch them, and envy
or nonplussed as I constantly stare at my reflection
in the tigris
when the moon is full at night
intimating and simulating what an actual partner
might look like, pretending I was talking
to someone else who loved me
but they know, just as I do
that this existence cant continue unabated
at this rate I will never sustain a heartbeat
or succession of breaths
(this is not good)

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