Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gabourey Sidibe, Teach Me To Love You Right (Or Else I'll Die)

---------------/Gabourey Sidibe, Your Love Owns/Kills! (Teach Me To Love You)

I have tried all I can
to sway your heart, consulting my varied emotions like
captains of thousands and hundreds
on how to properly enquire after your love
since I last tried such a conquest in the days of my ex-girlfriend “Saul”
(which of course, ended ignominiously)
all the assembly of my thoughts
from the most arrogant regions in my brain like Shihor in Egypt
to the most pessimistic and melancholy like in Hamath
agreed to set aside differences for once and harmonize.
(my determination like Israel united from scattered lands)
because falling for someone like you seemed right to all-
someone mesmerizing, intelligent, successful
so I finally set out to try my hand in Kirjath Jearim,
the place you are fondest of and hang out the most
and I courageously abandoned my angst in Baalah
bringing a fresh cart of hope and expectation from the house of Abinadab:
my childhood dreams of finding a glorious wife,
on which to place your longings for a relationship
-the ark of your covenant of love-
and I played the music of elation (before you)
harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on cymbals,
and with trumpets
hoping all the while that before I got to Chidon's threshing floor
you would be mine - forever
and Ahio and Uzza, my anticipation and enthusiasm, drove the cart
but the oxen of your ill-favor must have slipped somehow
because you suddenly killed my expectation (for us to be together)
by squelching my zeal with your cold rejection of my advances
when all I did was allow my enthusiasm
to reach out and try and quell your discontent
what am I doing wrong? what was wrong with that?
How can I bring the ark of your love and acceptance to me?
I dont understand

(Teach me how to love you, baby! Im so angry I cant win you over!!!)

1 Chronicles 13:1-12---------
Then David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader. And David said to all the assembly of Israel, "If it seems good to you, and if it is of the LORD our God, let us send out to our brethren everywhere who are left in all the land of Israel, and with them to the priests and Levites who are in their cities and their common-lands, that they may gather together to us; and let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we have not inquired at it since the days of Saul." Then all the assembly said that they would do so, for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. So David gathered all Israel together, from Shihor in Egypt to as far as the entrance of Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kirjath Jearim. And David and all Israel went up to Baalah, to Kirjath Jearim, which belonged to Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God the LORD, who dwells between the cherubim, where His name is proclaimed. So they carried the ark of God on a new cart from the house of Abinadab, and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart. Then David and all Israel played music before God with all their might, with singing, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on cymbals, and with trumpets. And when they came to Chidon's threshing floor, Uzza put out his hand to hold the ark, for the oxen stumbled. Then the anger of the LORD was aroused against Uzza, and He struck him because he put his hand to the ark; and he died there before God. And David became angry because of the LORD's outbreak against Uzza; therefore that place is called Perez Uzza to this day. David was afraid of God that day, saying, "How can I bring the ark of God to me?"

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