Friday, July 9, 2010

Anna Kendrick, Your Warmth Makes Me Bring Forth Buds

--------Anna Kendrick, Your Warmth Makes Me Bring Forth Buds

Anna, without you
the entirety of my life is a cluster of twelve rods
of misguided love hewn out of a tree forsaken
the wood of those destined to die alone
(yes Ive had my heart broken badly before)
preceded by murmurings from the others around me
Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh
espousing various theories as to my prolonged singleness
debasing my worth
they say my pursuits in romance are vapid
ordinarily unimpressive, not worth keeping
brittle firewood – food for maggots
a repellant for mesmerizing girls like you
and so I have always tried my best to persevere resisting the urge
to capitulate....and rot from within
in their company I have grown accustomed to feeling unbecoming
unsightly dead weight
but that was before we met, baby
my life has never been the same
your kindness to me has been Moses, a herald of the best times
that lie ahead
your eyes are like the hands of Aaron lifting my self esteem
and the honor of being in the presence of your beauty gives me the
prestige of a Levite
when we're together it feels like
being placed in the tabernacle of the witness of your endearing favor
showing partiality
its like you always saw something special the others were heedless of
and the kisses from your lips
make me bloom blossoms, yield almonds

(Your love makes the murmuring stop, girl. Thanks so much for choosing me!)

-------------------Numbers 17:1-10
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rod according to the house of their fathers, of all their princes according to the house of their fathers twelve rods: write thou every man's name upon his rod. And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the rod of Levi: for one rod shall be for the head of the house of their fathers. And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will meet with you. And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you. And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, and every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece, for each prince one, according to their fathers' houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron was among their rods. And Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tabernacle of witness. And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded Almonds. And Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD unto all the children of Israel: and they looked, and took every man his rod. And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels; and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, that they die not.

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