Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer (officially) died July 13, 2010

(1 Corinthians 16:6) Perhaps I will stay with you awhile, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go.

*dedicated to Alesana, "Heavy Hangs the Albatross"


Vultures circling buzzards lusting
there is a dead body hunched over in the desert sands
the apex of the sun's full force, summer high noon
gusts of scorching wind speckled with sand assaults the eyes
(so look down, always)
the heat from loneliness blisters my sweaty skin
the body is mine, the cause of death is a heart’s affliction of
prolonged singleness, a thirst for love never satisfied
in the middle of July
so pray for me
so pray for a reprieve
that resurrection would be a fresh breeze that chills the bone
like a woman coming to me, and Im sated
-her arms wrapped around my waist-
her kisses would be like flakes of snow
softly landing
on my world of inferno (excoriating my soul by feeling unwanted)
and sheets of thick ice are like staring into her eyes
skating coolly across my fears of dying isolated
and holding her hands feels like extinguishing pain
a welcoming frostbite of affection
a snowball thrown playfully
and we'll get intimate with the moon, and protracted nights
as the villainous sun flees behind burly clouds heralding frost
instead of flowers we gaze at ice sickles
that hang from bare tree limbs
distorting lenses as we peer through them together
as I imagine a contorted world without summer;
putting on my H&M jacket

(a time when my best efforts failed me
and the ground cracked under the intense hot rays of
for this reason, summer is officially dead
and I swear I will fall in love this winter/late fall)

we lay side by side
laughing as we make snow angels to ward off the demons
of the memories of the air being so thick we couldnt breathe
(due to romantic angst)
I promise to write love letters to you
and bury them in an avalanche

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