Sunday, July 11, 2010

love grousing

Could you love a guy like me?
all these people slander me
saying all manner of negative things to sway your opinion
but would you consider that maybe Im just misunderstood
I mean well its just that
I haven’t been given an opportunity to be myself
my reputation precedes me
am I desperate for love
am I scared of dying alone?
but aren't we all?
I hate being alone
I hate buying clothes and extra movie tickets
hoping someone will saunter into my life to claim them
someone I can dress up for
but a year goes by and the clothes just amass dust
and my heart another scar
and I want to hate the people along the way that did this
to me
but might my only mistake be my garrulousness?
I mean, you probably feel the same way
Tired of being hurt by love frauds, swindlers of romance
and their hoaxes
you want to fall in love too
and stop the carousel of forlornness of the unmarried
see what I mean?

(the only difference is that I give voice to my inner emotions)

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