Thursday, July 29, 2010

Joseph and the Inception Series Prologue

Okay so I just watched Inception tonight and was admittedly blown away! YOU HAVE TO SEE THAT MOVIE, PARTY PEOPLES!! Of course, me being the Jesusmetaphor! OH YEAH! I had to somehow tie a personal metaphor and a Biblical metaphor to the affect the movie had on me. I shall try, with God's help, to write around 6 poems, here and there, referencing this movie through the lens of Joseph's dreams in the Bible. 3 will be about romance, and 3 will cover existential emotions felt by the biblical characters themselves.

Consequently, the poem below is about this girl J*** **o* who I met recently who blew me away. KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF! Be forewarned though, I have a pesky penchant for chronicling personal experiences which oft times lands me in hot water with the subjects of my reveries. For this reason I had to disguise her true name, and only mention other people on a generic first name basis.

Anywho, this girl is already involved with someone (and for all I know disdains me), and the old fashioned gentleman in me cant ostensibly try to poach that from her. Afterall, I wouldnt want someone to take my love from me. SO ALAS, THE ONLY WAY I CAN DEAL WITH NOT BEING ABLE TO HAVE HER IS TO WRITE ABOUT HER! YET DEAR READER, THIS HAPPENS TO BE A BOON FOR YOU! SO FITTINGLY, READ ON!

(I promise not to be so verbose in the next prologue!!!)

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