Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moment of Clarity


When he had said this, he breathed his last

----------------------/Clarity – The Last Thoughts of Jesus On the Cross/

Most men spend the entirety of their lives
not knowing who they are
refuting characterizations of what they are not
seeking, straining, striving to find themselves among the bedlam
of uncertainties
of doubts
for some it takes a lifetime, and other less time
yet others an eternity
walking on water, distributing fish and bread to thousands
when there really is none to give
raising the dead, gleaning tax money from piscaries
casting demons into large herds of pigs
giving clarity of sight to eyes enveloped in onyx light
souls in shadows deprived of sun since birth
praying for respite from the eclipse
and still they don't understand who you are
and where they stand in relation
you come from heaven, and they from dust
you come to redeem, as they are lost in sin
yet they slander, and don't quite understand
labeling you as the one full of sin
in the presence of truth they profess what they are not:
tolerant of the One who ushers it in,
and subverts their pride, transforming grown men into children
who in turn deny their true Father for a false one
losing themselves in the process: discombobulated
The vigilant fight for obtuseness, the adamant stance against
love by whipping, slapping, spitting, mocking, crucifying
when their scarred souls need love most
(they know not what they do)
but even though nails pierce my hands and feet
there is no confusion
I know who I am, and where I am going

Luke 23: 44-46
It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.

Kill Hannah "Last Night Here" Lyrics
This is our last night here
The air is cold as ice
All the trees that lost their leaves
Are reflected in our eyes
This is our last night here
Or so it seems
Silence like the darkest waters in a submarine...

This is our last night here
On planet Earth
And I don't want my heart
'Cause it always hurts
If this is our last night here
I won't kick and scream
I'll just grab onto you
And I dare to breathe...

If it's is our last night here for long
I'm gonna put this record on
I'm gonna burn this city down
And we'll watch the glow until it's gone
But before I go insane
There's something else to say
You thought you were alone
But I was with you all the way...

With you all the way
With you all the way...

If this is our last night here
On planet Earth
Then I'll give you my heart
'Cause it hurts too much
If this is our last night here
I won't change a thing
I'll just grab onto you
And I feel you breathe...

If this is our last night here...
If this is our last night here...
If this is our last night here
I'll grab onto you
Just to feel you breathe...


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