Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who the heck do you thing you are, girl?

There is something about you
its like its your eyes - so calming
I cant quite grasp it
you are ineffable
your are sacrosanct
youre inviolable
but I don’t know why

Its like I saw you
and I was intrigued but then those feelings attenuated
but then they intensified
and I found myself falling for you
you didn't have to say a word
after you said only a few words

You flustered me
Who the heck are you?
How can you do this to me?
Then you confounded me
Because I thought you hated me

Then I hated you
I hated your words, your thoughts your actions
your delight and flattery of others
why didn't you give me attention
so laconic with me, but not with them!
BOOO! dissonance!

God, you know this woman
tore my emotions to shreds
but her memory
made me want to be a better person
like I felt I had better actualize all the potential I have
because if I want this woman
I had better be the best
maybe that's why the others had her fawning
but not me

But anyway, you – YOU
who the heck are you?
How did you do this to me

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