Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hate me now

I don’t hate you dawg,
Its just that you can be so insensitive
you were like my *** – to a large degree
you said so yourself
but Im shy, and insecure
and I shirk

So years have passed
time has unfurled
I missed the weddings, the new domicile
the maturation of kin
instead I got the onset of schism
and contemporaneously your vile appraisal of me
so we lost touch
and relations eroded
and engaged in proxy fights with all my friends

but what did we gain
except the demonization of me?
the apportioning of guilt to me
why am I always the one wrong?
but that's not the point

the point is, this is us now
just some ramblings on the page of a blog

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