Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Losing Balance (Part 1 and 2, yall!!!)

-------------(1)/(A World) Losing Balance: The Third Station: Jesus Falls For The First Time

In the crucible of affliction fire burns ravenously upset
(a world fallen)
that its metal subject wont conform to its mold: dictated life. Hatred
is the blacksmith charged with supplying coals
Misunderstanding the miner likewise the ore; a soldier is trained
meticulously calloused after each stage to accept a worldview impartial
to Caesar and partial to life seething at missed chances at murder
apoplectic at inertia salivating for a dictate - spilled blood earning
and acclaim. The tips of spears, the jagged edges of a cat of nine tails
a madman's eyes in the reflection
his help-mate the wedding a flogging, the observed consummation:
blows of fists and a crown of briars flaying the head of a lunatic
Hailed by impetuses of gore, fomenters of inhumane brutal corporal
retaliation at (sometimes capricious) laws aimed at preserving
a cruel state
(of) cynical cheers rabble-rousers railing raucously at reproachable
crimes they have many times conceived in their heart, often lamenting
such harsh enforcement. Incited by wayward priests, duplicitous
sages of Mosaic law insecure. Their shameful susceptibility to the sly
seduction of Satan evidenced by their histrionics, disproportionate and
(and incongruent to the full teaching of Moses) aggressive objection
to the restoration of a man with a withered hand
or the casual carefree plucking of grains but these are sons of corruption
and murderers of prophets who promulgated a dystopia masked as
utopia - the high price of betrayal assessed at only 30 pieces of silver
who preferred hedonism and pleasure to holding firmly patiently
to the promise of a peaceful life
like the nefarious denizens of the lost world contemporaneous with Noah
and water washed away their sins, but not completely ameliorating
the wicked human heart, just the prompt albeit temporary removal of leprosy
on God's creation idealized in Eden yet insouciantly transferred repossessed
by a recalcitrant who made the sun surly and his once fellow stars
sulk from the sky, plunging the world into the present malaise of darkness
but this is the void formless
and Adam trying to reconstitute the joy that was wrested from man
even the unruly crowds besetting
and its not so much the weight of the cross but the full awareness
of the intentions of the whole world conspiring against me in this moment
the onerous load of knowing that holiness is rebellion
a good man by his
very nature is soot, at the mention of his name black smoke rises
feting disobedience

(my knees buckle)


How do you sustain corruption when justice is demanding
the winds of outrage shift your weight. The sentence
of a seditionist shouldered but not fully accepted.
For maintaining innocence, spittle for remaining silent
before blood thirsty mobs. How do you walk gallantly
on terrain littered with rocks of deceit laid before you.
Women wail, you, leaning forward absorbing their emotional
weight catching a compassionate gaze tip
how do you reconcile right expectation with cruel reality you cant
you fall
an innocent man dies in place of celebratory deviant mobs
trying to walk without equilibrium
of sanity

(shifting axis of a world delirious crawling a sacrificial death)

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